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  1. X

    CLEO Release Fighting Style

    Doesn't work for me, I have sampfunc 5.1.1 and mgfunc 4.3. :/
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    It just doesn't work on SF 3.1.1+, same here :/
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    INV V1 -- Invisibility cheat by BlackHat

    Looks dope, mate. Waiting till you release it  :urtheman:
  4. X

    Help Looking for the name of the texture in gta3.img/plant1.txd/whatever.txd/img.

    Hello guys, I'm looking for the name of marihuana texture. I would like to replace it, but I don't know what name of it is it.
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    bumpMap plugin

    How to activate bumpmapping in ENB? (In the config file).
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    San Andreas Nature

    Used photoshop only to resize.
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    CLEO Release Ammo HaX

    Re: Ammo HaX [UNDETECTABLE] I think it's not that one, because it's detectable on some RP servers.
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    CLEO Release Ammo HaX

    Re: Ammo HaX [UNDETECTABLE] So is there on the world any undetectable ammo hacks? ._.
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    CLEO Release Ammo HaX

    Re: Ammo HaX [UNDETECTABLE] Yeah, I'm pretty sure about this, gives 50 ammo and because of that it's more detectable; tested on one RP server and got kicked with AmmoHack reason.
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    CLEO Release Ammo HaX

    Re: Ammo HaX [UNDETECTABLE] It's okay :not_bad But it doesn't add you 5 ammo per second, but 50. Thank you anyway for posting it!
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    CLEO Help Changing the command activation onto key activation

    Thanks, but I just observed that my cleo doesn't work anymore. Now I'm looking for someone which can do it for me again (it's quite simple tho, xzytro made it, but it doesn't work on 0.3z anymoooaaar). Is there somebody that can make a script associated with fist fighting? If yes, I would be so...
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    CLEO Release Coord-Save Teleporter.cs

    Let's say 3 slots, saves on Numpad 7,8,9 and loading on Numpad 4,5,6.
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    CLEO Help Changing the command activation onto key activation

    Hello, I have a little problem. I would like to change my activation in one cleo script from command activation (like cheats in singleplayer) onto key activation. How can I do this? Or maybe there's someone that can do it for me? :D
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    CLEO Release Coord-Save Teleporter.cs

    Could you make a version which works with numpad? Actually admins can check commands typed in, so they can detect that and ask you what's that.
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    [REQ]N3X's Project

    Bump  :looky:
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    [REQ]Finally please

    BTW. (sorry for offtopic) How can I increase speed of my vehicle in this thing? :D
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    CLEO Release Player Informer

    Amount of HP (health bar while you're aiming on someone) doesn't work. Always shows 0.
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    CLEO Release best antikick and invisible 0.3z made by fyp update 03/29/2014

    On few servers it kicks you from the game with a "SpectateHack" reason.
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    CLEO Release [/spec] mgSpectator (little upgrade)

    Is there any possibility to make a "eavesdrop" for this? I want to see on /spec what players on RP servers are talking about :D
  20. X


    thanks, bro!  :urtheman:
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    CLEO Release Player Informer

    Re: Player Informer (NEW) When I'm aiming on someone it says that he/she has 0 hp ._.
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    CLEO Release AFK-GHOST.cs - leave your body...

    Can you (as a ghost) walk to somebody and just watch what he's talking about? (e.g. on RP server). Will I see somebody's message on chat?
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    CLEO Release 1

    Is there any godmode that works on SkinShot servers?
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    CLEO Release 1

    Nice package, works with Sampfuncs.