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  1. G

    [Resquet] Cleo GM o Lag

    Where can I find or someone who happens something similar to this other than werner? something for RP servers 0.3.7
  2. G

    [Help] Widescreen

    Hi guys, I have a question. What can I do to use the widescreen .asi without reducing the icons of my radar or some similar mod that gives me the same advantage?
  3. G

    [Request] Edition of the Werner.exe

    Hi guys, I need someone who can change the activate buttons of the Werner.exe or give me a message that has the same function but can edit the activation buttons if someone can edit the werner I want it to be activated with BUTTON 0 of the numeric keyboard
  4. G

    [Request] God Mode or Invulnerability

    Hello guys from Ugbase I am looking for a cleo mod ou SF plugin that does the function of the werner but that does not bug the look and that can edit the activation and deactivation controls to my convenience or something that takes away the bullets of my character to record quiet