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  1. R

    CLEO Release CarDistanceControl - Control cars without driving them

    Good now I can control cop vehicles in Cnr servers easily
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    SAMP Macro

    How to compile :/
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    Looking for afk.cs

    he just wanted something that shows u afk in game :v why u guys ragin'
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    CLEO Release Cbug in one point

    Yo this mod is cringy now I can kill all of the players in the server
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    CLEO Release Cbug in one point

    thanks <3
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    CLEO Release Cbug in one point

    @Zin can you send the file here ? it's blocked in iran af
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    Untagged Release FasterCBug.eXe

    Bruh how did you cbug like a god in the video? my potato mouse can only do 2 cbugs per 3 seconds
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    [REQUEST] Auto Type /afk

    lol just use samp keybinder for that
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    [ReQ]Old FPS Script .cs

    turn on your fpslimiter open samp keybinder and put W+4 for example for 3 FPS others just like that ez
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    [REQUEST] Anti Stunt.asi

    OP-HaX has that
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    CLEO Release Cbug in one point

    bruh give that cbug