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    This external multihack?

    I looking on youtube videos and i see this hack anyone to send this hack
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    CLEO Help how to replace a weapon from a knife to a katana or deagle

    // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP :NONAME_2 not SAMP.Available jf @NONAME_22 wait 0 goto @NONAME_2 :NONAME_22 0B34: samp register_client_command...
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    Help external wallhack

    can anyone send a wallhack source code and write a shadow in that quote or someone for me to do it and send it to me to install as an exe file
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    External-AHK spread no recoil

    if anyone has this external-AHK spread-no recoil let me send
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    How to hide hack then admins

    on the server to play there are checks where your admin enters the computer and browses the gta folder and asks for a quote how to hide the example cleo or sf or asi is there any program not to see when the cleo folder or gta folder is edited and to remove the hack or some other way?
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    Can i edit SF ASI script

    i try to edit SF AND ASI and not working.Sanny builder is for cleo. is there a program that can edit SF and ASI scripts
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    antiaim jenek bueno SF?

    does anyone have this antiaim i had it for a while very good antiaim is activated / antiaim SF is anti-aim Jenek bueno if someone has let me send
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    hello this is my first post.

    I cant create wallhack to activate with this / can help me? i try wallhack activate /wallhack but not working help