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  1. M

    CLEO Help Send message to all players on the server.

    Can you make /cmd <ldplayer around>?
  2. M

    CLEO Help Help with the command

    Why when I compile .cs this error? and when i use it makes my samp crash ?, can anyone help me? {$CLEO} 0000: 0B34: "aarrest" @COMMAND 0@ = 0 :MAIN wait 0 if 0@ == 1 else_jump @MAIN if and 056D: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR defined key_down 49 jf @MAIN 0AB5: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR...
  3. M


    * Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): autoarrest * Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not): * What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully): I want if I press the button, it will...