maybe they are chinese , i reviewed the code :surprised: i found something about google , if their network was blocked by their fucking govenment,their client will not be able to work .
maybe they need VPN to break the block.
about this script
This is fugga for 0.3z. You have to type 'FUNNEL' to activate it. After activating it switch to your fist and aim(rightclick) on a player and then press attack(leftclick) to kill him.
I want to change Funnel to F2
I found a nice script made by Opcode.eXe but I type activate words so slowï¼2 ~8 secondsï¼!!!!!!!!!!
Who can help me change hotkey to activate/deactivate F3
I've already install sampfuncs 3 and cleo 4.1 ,but it's crash(You upload's one ) . I don't like Inviz.cs that you should press 0 or Space+i to activationã @Syler
SAMP was crashed . Please help me to change key to "f2"
// This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by GTAG
( on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
thread "Syler"
wait 3000
wait 0
if and
0AB0: ...
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