LOL EPIC TROLE MAN LE AUTISM CALL AMIRITE YOU TROLED ME FULL HARD LOLOLOLOLOLOLO :angry: :me_gusta: :forever_hurra: :yuno: :computer_guy: :excited_troll: :imoverit: :iknowwhatyoudid: MEMES AMIRITE
oh wait you are the guy with 1800 posts on a hacking site for a game that is old as fuck and has...
everyone everywhere can type stuff in english so everyone can udnerstand but they simply dont give a fuck, they just write everything on their language so only russians can understand it because the language is so fucking weird that even google translate cant properly translate it
i hope they...
styler is the biggest faggot on the world, he probably has some mental problem (autism).
He kept saying how he had my ip and he was going to ddos me for no reason, i just told him to ddos me and he never did, he only has a botnet on his own magic world.
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