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    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

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    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    What you edit for the distance? If you can tell me, thanks.
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    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    I'm dump sorry, I just want to learn the basics of editing a shitty cleo file.
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    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    Can you explain me how can I edit myself. It is working now, but the problem is the 5m is to small distance. I think 15m will be greater.
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    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    It's working, but what if I want to change /arrest to command? I have only to change trought SB the "/chase %d" to something else?
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    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    Fixed the error, but when I press 2, nothing is happening.
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    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    [ML] (error) auto arrest.lua: ...m Files (x86)\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\auto arrest.lua:19: unexpected symbol near ')' [ML] (error) auto arrest.lua: Script died due to an error. (01DC1714) This come in sf console
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    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    When i type /.arrest it's not happening anything
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    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    Idk, when you can see the name of player. 5m.
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    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    0.3.7 R1, if is same for you do in .lua, if not cleo can be good too. Can we talk in priv?
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    CLEO Help Arrest nearest player

    Easly write command "/arrest [NEAREST PLAYER ID]" So when i pres key "2" on keyboard, he will automatically arrest the nearest player to me. Ty in advance.