Search results

  1. wavelengthzero

    CLEO Release Random Name Changer [69,101 usernames]

    This cleo will give you 3 options, change your name to a random number, random username or a username you enter. Once you change your name you will automatically reconnect to the server with that name. Commands: /cn - Changes to a random name out of a list of 69,101 names /cnt <Name> - Changes...
  2. wavelengthzero

    CLEO Help Streaming in cleo

    Not sure how to fix this, but the song doesn't play when pressing "p". // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP  :Label2 wait 0  if  key_down 80  jf @Label2...
  3. wavelengthzero

    CLEO Release Search YouTube, Convert and Stream

    With this mod you can search YouTube from SA:MP and begin an audio stream (all files convert to 128kbps .ogg). Example: "/fvrad martin garrix - animals" (without the quotes). This will find the closest matching song name, convert and stream very quickly. Alternatively, if the wrong song is...
  4. wavelengthzero

    CLEO Release Search and stream YouTube links

    This is just a simple mod that lets you enter a command then YouTube link or song name to convert and begin streaming quickly. For example you type "/fvrad martin garrix - animals" and it will search YouTube for that song, choose the closest match, convert and begin a stream. If you don't find...
  5. wavelengthzero

    Untagged Release Search and stream YouTube links

    This is just a simple mod that lets you enter a command then YouTube link or song name to convert and begin streaming quickly. For example you type "/fvrad martin garrix - animals" and it will search YouTube for that song, choose the closest match, convert and begin a stream. If you don't find...
  6. wavelengthzero

    CLEO Help Store > 16 bytes in strings

    Is it possible to store more than 16 bytes to a string,  or could I split it into multiple variables then recombine them? For example a YouTube link which is 43 bytes.  I have no idea where to go from here: {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP thread "play" 0B34: samp...
  7. wavelengthzero

    CLEO Help shorten commands cleo

    This should create an audio stream to %s, where %s is a URL to the song, but instead %s == (null) and it then unregisters the command. {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP 0B34: samp register_client_command "play1" to_label @Label163 30@ = 0 :Label23 wait 0 if  30@...
  8. wavelengthzero

    CLEO Help Grab player ID

    How would I store a player's ID in a variable by simply clicking their skin/nametag?
  9. wavelengthzero

    CLEO Help Stop incoming RPC Cleo

    How could I stop an incoming RPC in Cleo? Such as: netPatch[] = "CreateObject" "incoming RPC" 44 &0 0 netPatch[] = "Create3DTextLabel" "incoming RPC" 36 &0 0 In blue eclipse. I don't even know where to start.
  10. wavelengthzero

    RakSAMP Proxified

    I've tried using a few proxifier applications with RakSAMP such as Freecap, Proxifier, Socks5Cap etc, but none actually work because it's basically cmd, which isn't supported by these applications. I'm only doing it to bypass the maximum of 5 connections per IP. Could anyone provide me with info...