3d trigonometry

  1. A

    Screen Camera Look at Position(Multi-Purpose)

    This Snippet will instantly make your Camera Look on a specific 3D location. This Snippet actually has many uses like: Make our Camera Follow/Lock-on a certain Actor by feeding this snippet with its Position. Can be Used as an Aimbot, just feed this with a specified Camera XZ-Offsets for the...
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    Get Point with Offset (towards to/away from) another Point

    Gets the Point from an origin to target point with a specific distance offset. { gets the point towards another point with a specific offset Usage: 0AB1: @getpointwithpolaroffset 7 _fromXYZ 0@ 1@ 2@ _offsetdistance 3@ _towardsXYZ 4@ 5@ 6@ _storeXYZ 29@ 30@ 31@ Examples...
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    Set Car XYZ Angles

    You all might not know that this Opcodes actually has a problem modifying the three rotations 0175: set_car 22@ Z_angle_to 315.0 // sets Z-angle to 315.0.... BUT ALSO SETS X-ANGLE AND Y-ANGLE TO 0.0 0731: set_car 34@ y_angle_to 73@ // sets Y-angle to 73@.... BUT ALSO SETS X-ANGLE AND Z-ANGLE TO...