
  1. A

    Help I need help with .cs code

    Can someone help me with the code? Ö ° M ŕ˙˙˙ dů ô ţ˙˙˙FLAG SRC S {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP :LOOP 0001: wait 0 ms IF 0AB0: key_pressed 0x06 // THEN 0001: wait 100 ms // Krátké čekání pro zamezení opakovaného vykonávání // Odeslání příkazu "/help" do chatu 0AF9: samp say_msg...
  2. P

    CLEO Help Follow Player In Vehicle.cs Need

    Hello! I have seen autodrive to checkpoint follow player on foot, teleport to checkpoint/player, But i have thinked of something better like auto drive to player. Which should work as autodrive to checkpoint but instead of going after a checkpoint it should go after a player. Which will be...