
  1. A

    Rotation: Convertion between Quaternion and 3D Angles

    I noticed that using these Opcodes gives inaccurate rotation values: // Objects: no opcode to get X and Y rotation values 0176: 13@ = object 0@ Z_angle // // Vehicles 077D: 1@ = car 0@ x_angle 06BE: 2@ = car 0@ y_angle 0174: 3@ = car 0@ Z_angle // Luckily, there are Quaternion...
  2. A

    Get/Set Rotation Velocity of a Vehicle

    Computes the Vehicle's XYZ Rotation Velocity relative to its own X(Pitch), Y(Roll), and Z(Yaw) Axes. [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] Computes the Vehicle's XYZ Rotation Velocity Relative to its own z(Roll) Axis. The Computation uses a Relative x(Pitch) Axis and Y(Roll) Axes pinned at 0.0 degrees...