
  1. E

    Help [CLEO] Help with timer script

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for help creating or finding a script that performs a specific function on a server. I need the script to automatically detect when the message "Vehicles have been respawned" appears in the server chat. Upon detection of this message, I would like a TextDraw to be...
  2. S

    Help help please

    some one make this .lua script to version cs. please script_name("Infinite Run") script_description("Infinite run with automatic activation") script_author("checkdasound") local mem = require "memory" function main() while true do wait(0) if isSampAvailable() then...
  3. L

    I want to create a dialog with 6 categories and each of them to have different text and colors

    if 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1000 button 2@ list_item 3@ input_text 0 then if and 2@ == 1 3@ == 0 then 0AC6: 17@ = label @pregatire SAMP.ShowDialog(7777, "{ff1a1a}Pregatirea inainte / in timpul testului.", 17@...
  4. C

    Looking for samp scripter for english server project

    We are started the project but is time to get some more hands to develop more smooth. If you are interested I leave my dc here and we can talk about the project. DC: Christmas#4639
  5. n1Ki

    lua help - object finder script which can increase located distance

    can someone send me a .lua script for object finder where the distance to which the object located 500+ meters away can be increased example there: 00:41 - 00:47