From by FYP:
As you could notice, there have been no updates to SAMPFUNCS for a long time, and the thread[blasthack forum thread] is locked because obviously the project is abandoned. A couple days ago a RC build of 0.3.8 SAMP came out, so it means SAMPFUNCS should be updated as well. But the thing is - previous updates were motivated only because of wish and interest, the whole project were mostly developed by me (FYP) and I currently have no motivation on continuing the development. There were some attempts on finding someone who's ready to develop SF in the future. It succeeded, okay, but those guys didn't want to go on and work on it. (and I do understand them)
And just before you start offer me to make it opensource : I can't publish the code as is because it's horrible, and I still need to put lots of effort just to support it. And if I'll still publish it despite those excuses I told you about - people will simply copy and forget about it.
However SF needs to be Improved, and you still need the SF, right?
So if we will get 30k rubles (bouta 500$) I'll promise you :
Open the thread and accept all the suggestions
Rewrite the whole code and make a good SF C/C++ API
Fix knows bugs and implement planned features
Update it for 0.3.8 SAMP (or even better - make it version-free)
And, probably, make it opensource
Donate da shiet here :
(Warning! The donation is voluntary, you don't pay me for the work)
Current 0.3.7 SF download counter is 117337 users, let's see how much people really need the SF. You're gonna carry that weight.
Da moneiiiiii counter -