Wich textdraw u wanna check?
You are a god, thank you so much, but you know how to do it for 0.3.7 r1?Your welcome !
With this You can check - textdraw exist or not exist
PHP::IsTextDrawExist { 0.3.7 - R3 } 0AA2: 1@ = load_library "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x26E97C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x214 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x460 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x1C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x20 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 0@ *= 0x4 // TextDrawID * 4 005A: 1@ += 0@ 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 if 1@ == 1 then 0485: return_true else 059A: return_false end 0AB2: 0
And You can Hide / Delete Textdraw
PHP::HideTextDraw { 0.3.7 - R3 } 0AA2: 1@ = load_library "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x26E97C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x214 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x460 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x1C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x20 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 0@ *= 0x4 // TextDrawID * 4 005A: 1@ += 0@ 0A8C: writeMem 1@ sz 4 vl 0 vp 0 0AB2: 0
PHP:{$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP wait 10000 while true wait 0 for 0@ = 0 to 2304 // All textdraw ids if 0AB1: @IsTextDrawExist 1 0@ then 0AB1: @HideTextDraw 1 0@ end end end :IsTextDrawExist { 0.3.7 - R3 } 0AA2: 1@ = load_library "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x26E97C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x214 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x460 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x1C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x20 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 0@ *= 0x4 005A: 1@ += 0@ 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 if 1@ == 1 then 0485: return_true else 059A: return_false end 0AB2: 0 :HideTextDraw { 0.3.7 - R3 } 0AA2: 1@ = load_library "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x26E97C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x214 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x460 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x1C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x20 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 0@ *= 0x4 005A: 1@ += 0@ 0A8C: writeMem 1@ sz 4 vl 0 vp 0 0AB2: 0
0.3.7 Have sampfuncsYou are a god, thank you so much, but you know how to do it for 0.3.7 r1?
You are a god, thank you so much, but you know how to do it for 0.3.7 r1?
But I can not use sampfuncs, only pure cleo
I tested both versions (R1 replacing the pointer and R3) and the code did not work, in R1 the game is slow, and in R3 nothing different happens, do you know why? I just copied this code and compiled it.Example.:
PHP:{$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP wait 10000 while true wait 0 for 0@ = 0 to 2304 // All textdraw ids if 0AB1: @IsTextDrawExist 1 0@ then 0AB1: @HideTextDraw 1 0@ end end end :IsTextDrawExist { 0.3.7 - R3 } 0AA2: 1@ = load_library "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x26E97C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x214 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x460 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x1C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x20 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 0@ *= 0x4 005A: 1@ += 0@ 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 if 1@ == 1 then 0485: return_true else 059A: return_false end 0AB2: 0 :HideTextDraw { 0.3.7 - R3 } 0AA2: 1@ = load_library "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x26E97C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x214 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x460 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x1C 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x20 0A8D: 1@ readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 0@ *= 0x4 005A: 1@ += 0@ 0A8C: writeMem 1@ sz 4 vl 0 vp 0 0AB2: 0
I tested both versions (R1 replacing the pointer and R3) and the code did not work, in R1 the game is slow, and in R3 nothing different happens, do you know why? I just copied this code and compiled it.
With gta clean the game crashes while connecting to the serverYour gta clean?
Server ip?With gta clean the game crashes while connecting to the server
on ugbase server (samp.ugbase.eu:7777)Server ip?
Ugbase Use samp r2 ..., you wasted my time...on ugbase server (samp.ugbase.eu:7777)
I connect with r1Ugbase Use samp r2 ..., you wasted my time...
I know -_-I connect with r1
I tested with r2 but in the same way no textdraw is hiddenI know -_-
Take pic from your gta directoryI tested with r2 but in the same way no textdraw is hidden