Can you change so this script would send pickup rpc like Pool Render /sendpic?
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
wait 0
else_jump @NONAME_2
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook -604
0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook -645
SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(21@, 52144, 2)
wait 0
if and
not SAMP.ChatInputOpened
key_down 121
else_jump @NONAME_151
30@ == 0
else_jump @NONAME_110
30@ = 1
31@ = 1
chatmsg "ON" -1
jump @NONAME_146
30@ = 0
31@ = 0
chatmsg "OFF" -1
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(52144, 21@, 2)
wait 1500
if and
31@ == 1
30@ == 1
else_jump @NONAME_208
13@ = -323
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(52144, 50064, 2)
call 13@ 0
29@ == 1
else_jump @NONAME_316
14@ = -541
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(52144, 21@, 2)
call 14@ 0
wait 100
0BC9: samp send_dialog_response dialog 261 button 1 listitem 3 input ""
else_jump @NONAME_302
0BC9: samp send_dialog_response dialog 262 button 1 listitem 2@ input ""
29@ = 0
31@ = 1
jump @NONAME_41
0@ = 0
1@ = SAMP.PickupHandleByID(0@)
else_jump @NONAME_451
065B: store_pickup 1@ position_to 2@ 3@ 4@
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 5@, 6@, 7@)
0509: 8@ = distance_between_XY 2@ 3@ and_XY 5@ 6@
not 8@ > 15.0
else_jump @NONAME_451
TIMERA > 500
else_jump @NONAME_451
0BD1: samp send_picked_up_pickup 0@
0BD1: samp send_picked_up_pickup 0@
0@ += 1
0@ > 4096
else_jump @NONAME_330
ret 0
0AA2: 1@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
1@ += 2203832
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 40 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0 virtual_protect 0
ret 0
0AA2: 1@ = load_library "samp.dll" // IF and SET
1@ += 2203832
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 40 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 1 virtual_protect 0
ret 0
0BE5: raknet 20@ = get_hook_param 1
if and
30@ == 1
20@ == 207
else_jump @NONAME_641
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
0BE5: raknet 0@ = get_hook_param 1
if and
30@ == 1
0@ == 93
else_jump @NONAME_802
0BE5: raknet 1@ = get_hook_param 0
2@ = BitStream.Read(1@, 3)
3@ = BitStream.Read(1@, 3)
alloc 4@ 144
BitStream.ReadArray(1@, 4@, 3@)
0C1E: array 4@ element 3@ el_size 1 = 0
0C29: $NOT_USED = stristr string1 4@ string2 "* Jûsø krepðys jau pilnas!"
else_jump @NONAME_797
chatmsg " " -1
29@ = 1
free 4@
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1