Well for some reason I just noticed some cleo don't appear to be loading or something of the sort.
Cleo ping by Master Gonwik or whatever it is called would normally appear at the top left in the text as you entered a server but now that is gone. I also noticed that pingpoint isn't working won't turn on either. I think this is all a result of me installing 0.3z for a beta test because ofc the ping setup shit wouldn't be needed there, but on my way back after reinstalled x again these cleos fucked up. So in reaction I reinstalled GTA after fucking with my cleo folder and never finding the root cause. Cleared it all, installed it back with a backup that I've used countless times but these cleos seem to fail. I check the logs for samp functions and every opcode is successful and I'm not too sure, but doesn't that mean its loaded? Anyway, with the new installed version I also have an issue where it says some shit about MSVRC100Dbeing missing and error loading newOpcodes.cleo but It doesn't seem to cause any issues at all.
Any ideas?
Cleo ping by Master Gonwik or whatever it is called would normally appear at the top left in the text as you entered a server but now that is gone. I also noticed that pingpoint isn't working won't turn on either. I think this is all a result of me installing 0.3z for a beta test because ofc the ping setup shit wouldn't be needed there, but on my way back after reinstalled x again these cleos fucked up. So in reaction I reinstalled GTA after fucking with my cleo folder and never finding the root cause. Cleared it all, installed it back with a backup that I've used countless times but these cleos seem to fail. I check the logs for samp functions and every opcode is successful and I'm not too sure, but doesn't that mean its loaded? Anyway, with the new installed version I also have an issue where it says some shit about MSVRC100Dbeing missing and error loading newOpcodes.cleo but It doesn't seem to cause any issues at all.
Any ideas?