CLEO Help CPS.cs

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Oct 28, 2017
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* Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): CPS.cs
* Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not):
* What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully) I need this cleo beeing edited that it will teleport after the red checkpoint to object id 818. the red checkpoints appears on the map 25x on the same area. It is a Farmer Job where you need to plant the seeds on the field and after 25 checkpoints you must harvest them again 25x. After that a checkpoint appears where you get your money. 
* Details (add more details to your request) It would be perfect if this cleo would repeat his checkpoints again after the red checkpoints. After that it should take a break so it can teleport to the point where you get your money. I dont mind if it does it automatically, but i would prefer to press the key so i can stop everything if someone is coming near by.
* On/off key (specify it): Just as is it. Should still be the key Y. 

Hope it is not too much work. I would be really thankful for that.

And before this will get deleted, i couldn´t post in the Reqeusts forum. So i did it here. Hope thats ok. Please move this where it belongs.


  • CPS.cs
    19.2 KB · Views: 11
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