Hola, antes que nada este error lo tiene un amigo mio y no yo, el error trata de este:
Exception At Address: 0x00746979
Base: 0x022E0000
Eso le sale a mi amigo.
Helo, before of all, this crash have my friend, not me, and the error/crash it's this:
Exception At Address: 0x00746979
Base: 0x022E0000
Thats show in the crash.
I will wait your help and sorry for the bad english :urtheman:
Exception At Address: 0x00746979
Base: 0x022E0000
Eso le sale a mi amigo.
Helo, before of all, this crash have my friend, not me, and the error/crash it's this:
Exception At Address: 0x00746979
Base: 0x022E0000
Thats show in the crash.
I will wait your help and sorry for the bad english :urtheman: