General UGBASE.EU Rules

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Wtf I'm not new....
Staff member
Feb 18, 2013
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General Rules;
No sexism/racism/ultranationalism, direct or indirect.
1.2. No harassment, we do not support any kind of harassment against community members or groups in our forums, if someone asks you to stop it, do it!
1.3. No inappropriate usernames, the above rules apply to usernames also.
1.4. As this is an English speaking community, we ask you to speak it. We have special topics where you can speak in your native language.
1.5. Our forums are for everyone, therefore we ask you nicely to not post pornographic or generally offensive content, even though we allow some, we may not allow everything.
1.6. We are no copyright infringers, therefore, we ask you to respect the copyright of other users or sites.
1.7. Abusing of systems (f.e. the reputation or thanks/like system) is not allowed and will result in punishment.
1.8. We do not tolerate spam in our general sections, this include massive off-topic texting. We have a private message system – use it.
1.9. Be nice to members - no one likes douche bags it's common sense to not flame on people or anything like that.
2.0. You are not allowed to sell stuff outside of our marketplace section(s) please read the marketplace rules and do a proper post in the proper section.

The above rules apply to almost everything. You can contribute to our boards, this includes but is not limited to private messages, posts, signatures, profile bio etc. Private messages can be reported if they are in contradiction with the above mentioned rules, but it’s up to you.

Posting Rules;
You are only allowed to bump your threads every 12 hours.
2.2. Do not repeat what you wrote, neither with self-quote, nor directly. This includes adding info or quoting members which could've been edited in (basically use the edit option!).
2.3. Posts are to be made in the relevant forum, please obey our board structure.
2.4. Some forums require you to use templates specially made for a nice and tight structure, please follow them.
2.5. No hot linking allowed, we all know the struggle of dead download links, and to counteract that we ask you to upload files as attachments as they will be available for everyone.
2.6. We have special forums for requesting stuff you may need, please be nice and follow the instruction and mark your topics as solved if your request got fulfilled, and help us to keep everything clean.

If you release something on our forums, please aware of the mod creator and credit them properly – no one likes nasty stealers.
2.7.2. Any downloads for your release need to follow the rule nr. 2.5, we won’t approve them otherwise.
2.7.3. If you upload any potentially harmful file provide an online virus scan for the files (,
2.7.4. Keep your release topic tight, include some eye candy (screenshots, videos) this will help you and us.
2.7.5. Describe your release properly, this is a must if it's be approved, no one wants a non-self-explaining mod/program.
2.7.6. Do not add garbage to your release topic. If it’s not related or useful to the release keep it out.

Uploading of content
If you upload content to our boards (attachments, avatars) be sure they do not infringe the copyright of any other third party.
3.2. Any kind of malware inside your attached files will result in suspension of your account.

Breaking any of these rules will result in a warning, permanent ban or other form of punishment depending on the context and gravity.
Basically, use common sense, if you’re not completely disoriented you should be fine without reading these rules.
We may change these rules periodically, so check them.
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Wtf I'm not new....
Staff member
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
BTW: These also updated.


Wtf I'm not new....
Staff member
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Marketplace Rules


UGBASE.EU is no way made responsible for purchases made via this platform.
UGBASE.EU only acts as middleman for sellers & buyers (in this case or community members) we do not sell anything.
Even though our moderation team checks the sellers post before approving we only can ensure that the sold content is legit but we can't and won't ensure you getting the product after purchase (it may be possible to ask for a trusted community member to act as a middle man).

By creating a topic in this section you ensure that the sold content is yours and you have the rights to sell it f.e. selling mod_sa or anything that obligates another license which strictly forbids selling this also applies to services that do not allow f.e. accounts to be sold.
Your product must be fully functional.
The topic must include every bit of necessary information for the buyer.
Your offer must contain the price, a meaningful description, contact information.

The commercial sale of goods is also prohibited.
You are explicitly not allowed to sell following things here: Game Keys.
It may be possible that team members contact you to ensure the product is legit.

If you get scammed may it be the buyer or seller then you should immediately contact a team member to get the offer and the seller banned from this platform to prevent further scamming.
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