:face_palm: :face_palm: :face_palm: :face_palm: :face_palm: :face_palm: :face_palm: :face_palm: :face_palm:0B36 link said:No you can't. That's server sided function. Memory Hacking can only set things for yourself, not for others.
if u can get like car lock status, player health, if player taken damage, player streamed out position..... all things that seem impossibru why wouldn't this be possibr? I want to set mine... but I want to find the one of that player... its server sided sure... but ther must b a way0B36 link said:Yes, I answered for both. Both are IMPOSSIBRU. You can only get yours and set yours.
09E8: get_char_area_visible $PLAYER_ACTOR store_to $GYMFIGHT_INTERIOR
09E8: $GYMFIGHT_INTERIOR = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR active_interior
while true
wait 0
09E8: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR interior
0AD1: "you're in interior %d" 100 0@
yes but when I try to teleport out of stream zone and get player's interior ID... it just crashes.springfield link said:Code:{$CLEO} 0000: while true wait 0 09E8: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR interior 0AD1: "you're in interior %d" 100 0@ end
You probabily did something else wrong.