- please tell me what you need to insert into variables 10@ 11@ 12@ and 23@ 24@
- 0AB1: @GET_REAL_FOV 5 POSITION 10@ 11@ 12@ TARGETXY 23@ 24@ _TO 0@
- 00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to 1@ 2@ 3@
- 0AA6: call_method 0x514970 struct 0xB6F028 num_params 6 pop 0 0xA49994 0xA499A0 3@ 2@ 1@ 20.0
- 0AB1: call_scm_func @getYAngleBetweenPoints_ULKXK 6 from_XYZ $13 $14 $15 and_XYZ 1@ 2@ 3@ store_to 5@
- 0AB1: call_scm_func @getZAngleBetweenPoints_ULKXK 4 from_XY $13 $14 and_XY 1@ 2@ store_to 4@
- 5@ += 90.0
- 0AB2: 2 4@ 5@
- :getYAngleBetweenPoints_ULKXK
- 0509: 6@ = distance_between_XY 0@ 1@ and_XY 3@ 4@
- 0063: 2@ -= 5@
- 0604: get_Z_angle_for_point 6@ 2@ store_to 7@
- 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "%f" color 0xffffff 0@
- 0AB2: ret 1 7@
- :getZAngleBetweenPoints_ULKXK
- 0063: 0@ -= 2@
- 0063: 1@ -= 3@
- 0604: get_Z_angle_for_point 0@ 1@ store_to 4@
- 0AB2: ret 1 4@
- :GET_REAL_FOV //0AB1: @GET_REAL_FOV 5 POSITION 29@ 28@ 27@ TARGETXY 23@ 24@ _TO 0@
- 068D: get_camera_position_to 9@ 10@ 11@
- 050A: 12@ = distance_between_XYZ 0@ 1@ 2@ and_XYZ 9@ 10@ 11@
- 0063: 3@ -= 26@ // (float)
- 0063: 4@ -= 25@ // (float)
- 0C03: math 3@ = sine 3@ // (float)
- 0C03: math 4@ = sine 4@ // (float)
- 006B: 3@ *= 12@ // (float)
- 006B: 4@ *= 12@ // (float)
- 0C09: math 3@ = power_1337 3@ 2.0
- 0C09: math 4@ = power_1337 4@ 2.0
- 005B: 3@ += 4@ // (float)
- 01FB: 3@ = square_root 3@
- 0AB2: 1 3@