Paul159 link said:Make victims car go fast in the air
Most of them are impossible to make :angry: :computer_guy: :table_flip: :face_palm:Forever15 link said:1 cleo that can hide or cover in the wall like gta 5
2 a cleo that fake admin status /syc
3 a cleo that like a shape shifter like the horror ,
4 when you are in anim u can still shot example /hide then ur ped to the hide ami, but it can still shot
5 tree aimbot
6 syc penis object
7 fake message admin example
IG im not an admin then ill send a pm to a player then he see that
ADMIN message: soon you;ll get banned :urtheman:
8 last is remember that u can crouch in gta ? when pressing C make a cleo that can do a prone/ or crawling anim so like army but still u can shoot :angry:
zin link said:Probably one of the most impossible requests but a "Bullet stopper" like this.
Opcode.eXe link said:Remember that skull you had in your hands for your killer thingy?
Make him fly and follow you like Fugga.cs so that it become your pet.
You can scroll to select different modes that are shown above his head.
Lets say youll choose 'pickupcar' then the skull is gonna look for a car where you're aiming and pull it with lasers to you