does anyone have free time to arrange this script please?
in a while true
wait 0
activation comand /godrive
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
0001: wait 0 ms
0050: gosub @Noname_1922
0006: 3@ = 0
0000: NOP
0050: gosub @Noname_1954
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if and
0AB0: key_pressed 67
0AB0: key_pressed 81
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_29
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if or
0AB0: key_pressed 67
0AB0: key_pressed 81
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_141
0002: jump @Noname_52
00D6: if
0AE6: 12@ = find_first_file "CLEO\*.mga_path" get_filename_to "CLEO\driver.mga_path" // IF and SET
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_869
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\driver.mga_path" mode 25202 // IF and SET
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_141
01BD: 9@ = current_time_in_ms
0ACD: show_text_highpriority "Start playng" time 2500
0006: 3@ = 0
0001: wait 0 ms
0050: gosub @Noname_1749
0050: gosub @Noname_1976
0050: gosub @Noname_2126
00D6: if and
0AB0: key_pressed 67
0AB0: key_pressed 81
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_264
0002: jump @Noname_766
01F5: $PLAYER_ACTOR = get_player_actor $PLAYER_CHAR
00D6: if and
8118: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR dead
00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_796
03C0: 2@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
0A97: 7@ = car 2@ struct
099A: set_car 2@ collision_detection 0
00D6: if
0039: 3@ == 2
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_348
0006: 3@ = 0
0002: jump @Noname_796
00D6: if
0039: 3@ == 3
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_373
0002: jump @Noname_141
00D6: if
0039: 3@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_412
0519: set_car 2@ locked 1
0050: gosub @Noname_921
0002: jump @Noname_759
0519: set_car 2@ locked 0
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 1 to 15@
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 4 to 10@
0050: gosub @Noname_854
002D: 10@ >= 8@ // (int)
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_500
0050: gosub @Noname_854
0050: gosub @Noname_1749
0050: gosub @Noname_1976
0050: gosub @Noname_2126
0001: wait 0 ms
0002: jump @Noname_446
00D6: if
0039: 15@ == 6
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_532
0050: gosub @Noname_1527
0002: jump @Noname_759
00D6: if
0039: 15@ == 0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_562
0A9B: closefile 0@
0002: jump @Noname_796
00D6: if
0039: 15@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_594
0050: gosub @Noname_935
0002: jump @Noname_759
00D6: if
0039: 15@ == 16
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_626
0050: gosub @Noname_1715
0002: jump @Noname_759
00D6: if
0039: 15@ == 2
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_656
0A9B: closefile 0@
0002: jump @Noname_141
00D6: if
0039: 15@ == 3
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_688
0050: gosub @Noname_1026
0002: jump @Noname_759
00D6: if
0039: 15@ == 4
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_720
0050: gosub @Noname_1253
0002: jump @Noname_759
00D6: if
0039: 15@ == 5
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_752
0050: gosub @Noname_1135
0002: jump @Noname_759
0050: gosub @Noname_899
0002: jump @Noname_213
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if or
0AB0: key_pressed 67
0AB0: key_pressed 81
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_796
0002: jump @Noname_766
0519: set_car 2@ locked 1
0519: set_car 2@ locked 0
0ACD: show_text_highpriority "Stop playng" time 2500
099A: set_car 2@ collision_detection 1
0A9B: closefile 0@
0050: gosub @Noname_1954
0002: jump @Noname_29
01BD: 8@ = current_time_in_ms
0062: 8@ -= 9@ // (int)
0051: return
0ACD: show_text_highpriority "Cannot find File" time 2500
0002: jump @Noname_29
0ACD: show_text_highpriority "UNIKNOW vType" time 1500
0051: return
0ACD: show_text_highpriority "Paused" time 1
0051: return
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 12 to 4@
0A8E: 13@ = 7@ + 20 // int
0A8D: 14@ = read_memory 13@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
000A: 14@ += 48
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 14@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 5@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 14@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 6@ virtual_protect 1
0051: return
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 12 to 4@
0A8E: 13@ = 7@ + 20 // int
0A8D: 14@ = read_memory 13@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
000A: 14@ += 48
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 14@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 5@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 14@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 6@ virtual_protect 1
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 4 to 11@
0175: set_car 2@ Z_angle_to 11@
0051: return
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 12 to 4@
0A8E: 13@ = 7@ + 20 // int
0A8D: 14@ = read_memory 13@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
000A: 14@ += 48
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 14@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 5@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 14@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 6@ virtual_protect 1
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 16 to 16@
07C6: set_car 2@ axis_angle_relation_to 16@ 17@ 18@ 19@
0051: return
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 12 to 4@
0A8E: 13@ = 7@ + 20 // int
0A8D: 14@ = read_memory 13@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
000A: 14@ += 48
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 14@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 5@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 14@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 6@ virtual_protect 1
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 1 to 16@
00D6: if
08B7: test 16@ bit 0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1395
0A8E: 13@ = 7@ + 1180 // int
0A8C: write_memory 13@ size 4 value 1.0 virtual_protect 1
00D6: if
08B7: test 16@ bit 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1438
0A8E: 13@ = 7@ + 1184 // int
0A8C: write_memory 13@ size 4 value 1.0 virtual_protect 1
00D6: if
08B7: test 16@ bit 2
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1498
0A8E: 13@ = 7@ + 1064 // int
0A8D: 16@ = read_memory 13@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
08BD: set 16@ bit 5
0A8C: write_memory 13@ size 4 value 16@ virtual_protect 1
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 16 to 16@
07C6: set_car 2@ axis_angle_relation_to 16@ 17@ 18@ 19@
0051: return
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 12 to 4@
0A8E: 13@ = 7@ + 20 // int
0A8D: 14@ = read_memory 13@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
000A: 14@ += 48
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 14@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 5@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 14@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 14@ size 4 value 6@ virtual_protect 1
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 12 to 4@
0A8E: 13@ = 7@ + 68 // int
0A8C: write_memory 13@ size 4 value 4@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 13@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 13@ size 4 value 5@ virtual_protect 1
000A: 13@ += 4
0A8C: write_memory 13@ size 4 value 6@ virtual_protect 1
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 16 to 16@
07C6: set_car 2@ axis_angle_relation_to 16@ 17@ 18@ 19@
0051: return
0A9D: readfile 0@ size 16 to 16@
00D6: if
0AF7: samp 14@ = get_base
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_1747
0AF9: samp say_msg 16@v
0051: return
03F0: enable_text_draw 1
03E3: set_texture_to_be_drawn_antialiased 1
038D: draw_texture 1 position 320.0 400.0 size 320.0 40.0 RGBA 255 255 255 255
03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 1
0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 255 255 255 128
060D: draw_text_shadow 1 rgba 32 32 32 128
045A: draw_text_1number 447.0 394.0 GXT 'NUMBER' number 8@ // ~1~
000B: 31@ += 8.0
000B: TIMERA += 8.0
038D: draw_texture 2 position 31@ TIMERA size 16.0 16.0 RGBA 255 255 255 255
000F: 31@ -= 8.0
000F: TIMERA -= 8.0
0051: return
0390: load_txd_dictionary "MGD"
038F: load_texture "interf" as 1 // Load dictionary with 0390 first
038F: load_texture "mouse" as 2 // Load dictionary with 0390 first
0051: return
0007: 31@ = 320.0
0007: TIMERA = 224.0
0051: return
0A4A: store_joystick_X_offset_to 16@ Y_offset_to 17@
005B: 31@ += 16@ // (float)
0063: TIMERA -= 17@ // (float)
00D6: if
8031: not 31@ >= 0.0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2031
0007: 31@ = 0.0
00D6: if
8031: not TIMERA >= 0.0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2062
0007: TIMERA = 0.0
00D6: if
0021: 31@ > 640.0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2093
0007: 31@ = 640.0
00D6: if
0021: TIMERA > 448.0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2124
0007: TIMERA = 448.0
0051: return
00D6: if
00E1: player 0 pressed_key 17
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2344
00D6: if and
0021: TIMERA > 386.0
8031: not TIMERA >= 414.0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2320
00D6: if and
0021: 31@ > 167.0
8031: not 31@ >= 214.0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2244
00D6: if
0039: 3@ == 0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2237
0006: 3@ = 1
0002: jump @Noname_2244
0006: 3@ = 0
00D6: if and
0021: 31@ > 222.0
8031: not 31@ >= 268.0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2282
0006: 3@ = 2
00D6: if and
0021: 31@ > 277.0
8031: not 31@ >= 324.0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2320
0006: 3@ = 3
00E1: player 0 pressed_key 17
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_2344
0001: wait 0 ms
0002: jump @Noname_2320
0051: return
wait 0
activation comand /godrive