Just another post where they're too incompetent to search.This is not help ..., This is request...
local sampev = require 'lib.samp.events'
local font_flag = require('moonloader').font_flag
local my_font = renderCreateFont('Verdana', 6, font_flag.BOLD + font_flag.SHADOW)
local my_font2 = renderCreateFont('Verdana', 12, font_flag.BOLD + font_flag.SHADOW)
local toggle = false
local leftSideBar = false
local count = 0
local searchObjects = {
{modelid = 19054, name = '19054'}, -- name your object
{modelid = 19055, name = '19055'},
{modelid = 19056, name = '19056'},
{modelid = 19057, name = '19057'},
{modelid = 19058, name = '19058'},
function main()
repeat wait(0) until isSampAvailable()
while true do wait(0)
count = 0
if isKeyDown(0x4A) and isKeyDown(0x4B) then
toggle = not toggle
if toggle then printStringNow('~g~ Object detector', 1500) else printStringNow('~r~ Object detector', 1500) end
if toggle and wasKeyPressed(0x25) then
leftSideBar = not leftSideBar
if leftSideBar then printStringNow('~g~ Object detector - Left Side Bar', 1500) else printStringNow('~r~ Object detector - Left Side Bar', 1500) end
if toggle and wasKeyPressed(0x27) then
if toggle then
for _, object in ipairs(getAllObjects()) do
if doesObjectExist(object) then
local _, oX, oY, oZ = getObjectCoordinates(object)
if _ then
if isObjectOnScreen(object) or not isAnyPickupAtCoords(oX, oY, oZ) and isObjectOnScreen(object) then
local pX, pY, pZ = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_PED)
local distance = getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(oX, oY, oZ, pX, pY, pZ) distance = round(distance, 2)
local wposX, wposY = convert3DCoordsToScreen(oX, oY, oZ)
local model = tonumber(getObjectModel(object))
for _, s in ipairs(searchObjects) do
if s['modelid'] == model then
renderFontDrawText(my_font, ''..s['name']..'\nDistance: '..distance..'', wposX, wposY , 0xffFFFFFF)
if leftSideBar then renderFontDrawText(my_font2, '' ..count.. ' - '..s['name']..' - Distance: '..distance..'', 180, 400 + (count * 25), 0xffFFFFBB) count = count + 1 end
function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
if numDecimalPlaces and numDecimalPlaces>0 then
local mult = 10^numDecimalPlaces
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
return math.floor(num + 0.5)
Thanks so much but can you add on this script when he located object he show me on the radarI have script lua for you, you need moonloader and sampfuncs.
objects.lua put in GTA\Moonloader.
Object detector active: J+K
Left Side Bar+ J+left arrow
Code:local sampev = require 'lib.samp.events' local font_flag = require('moonloader').font_flag local my_font = renderCreateFont('Verdana', 6, font_flag.BOLD + font_flag.SHADOW) local my_font2 = renderCreateFont('Verdana', 12, font_flag.BOLD + font_flag.SHADOW) local toggle = false local leftSideBar = false local count = 0 local searchObjects = { {modelid = 19054, name = '19054'}, -- name your object {modelid = 19055, name = '19055'}, {modelid = 19056, name = '19056'}, {modelid = 19057, name = '19057'}, {modelid = 19058, name = '19058'}, } function main() repeat wait(0) until isSampAvailable() wait(2000) while true do wait(0) count = 0 if isKeyDown(0x4A) and isKeyDown(0x4B) then toggle = not toggle if toggle then printStringNow('~g~ Object detector', 1500) else printStringNow('~r~ Object detector', 1500) end end if toggle and wasKeyPressed(0x25) then leftSideBar = not leftSideBar if leftSideBar then printStringNow('~g~ Object detector - Left Side Bar', 1500) else printStringNow('~r~ Object detector - Left Side Bar', 1500) end end if toggle and wasKeyPressed(0x27) then end if toggle then for _, object in ipairs(getAllObjects()) do if doesObjectExist(object) then local _, oX, oY, oZ = getObjectCoordinates(object) if _ then if isObjectOnScreen(object) or not isAnyPickupAtCoords(oX, oY, oZ) and isObjectOnScreen(object) then local pX, pY, pZ = getCharCoordinates(PLAYER_PED) local distance = getDistanceBetweenCoords3d(oX, oY, oZ, pX, pY, pZ) distance = round(distance, 2) local wposX, wposY = convert3DCoordsToScreen(oX, oY, oZ) local model = tonumber(getObjectModel(object)) for _, s in ipairs(searchObjects) do if s['modelid'] == model then renderFontDrawText(my_font, ''..s['name']..'\nDistance: '..distance..'', wposX, wposY , 0xffFFFFFF) if leftSideBar then renderFontDrawText(my_font2, '' ..count.. ' - '..s['name']..' - Distance: '..distance..'', 180, 400 + (count * 25), 0xffFFFFBB) count = count + 1 end else end end end end end end end end end function round(num, numDecimalPlaces) if numDecimalPlaces and numDecimalPlaces>0 then local mult = 10^numDecimalPlaces return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end return math.floor(num + 0.5) end