what is wrong here?
according to my idea, the person should be invited, and if dialog 53 is open, then he clicks on the first one in the dialog box, then writes / rank id of the chela and on the 5 button (this is not the whole code, the error is only in it)
0AF9: samp say_msg "/invite %d" 2@
0001: wait 1150 ms
00D6: if and
0B4C: samp is_dialog_active 53
0019: TIMERA > 7000
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_771
0BC9: samp send_dialog_response dialog 53 button 1 listitem 0 input ""
wait 1150
0AF9: samp say_msg "/rank %d" 2@
0BC9: samp send_dialog_response dialog 54 button 5 listitem 0 input ""
0001: wait 1150 ms
0002: jump @Noname_808