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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2020
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I don't know how the wheel tracks are processed in gtasa memory(or where it can be found). Maybe someone else can help you.

You might also try checking the vehicle's Yaw Rotation Velocity:
0000: drifting detector by ajom.

    DRIFTINGSENSITIVITY = 10.0 // change this value until the drifting detection becomes more accurate.
    MYCAR = 31@

While true
    Wait 0
    If 00DF:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving
        03C0: MYCAR = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
        0AB1: @GetVehicleRelativeRotationVelocityPerSecond 1 _OfVehicleHandle MYCAR _StoreRotationVelocityXYZ 2@ 1@ 0@
        0@ *= 57.2957795131 // convert to degrees
        3@ *= -1.0
        If 002D: 3@ >= 0@ // drifting left
        Then 0AD1:   show_formatted_text_highpriority "Drifting Left: %f" time 100 0@
           If 0@ >= DRIFTINGSENSITIVITY // drifting right
           Then 0AD1:   show_formatted_text_highpriority "Drifting Right: %f" time 100 0@

:GetVehicleRelativeRotationVelocityPerSecond // 0AB1: @GetVehicleRelativeRotationVelocityPerSecond 1 _OfVehicleHandle 0@ _StoreRotationVelocityXYZ 29@ 30@ 31@
    00AA: store_car 0@ position_to 29@ 30@ 31@
        // Per Frame to Per Second Converter
    0A8D: 28@ = readMem 0xB7CB5C size 4 vp 0 // gta frame time, use in order to be consistent with FPS
    if 28@ == 0.0
    then 28@ = 1.0
    else 28@ /= 50.0
    0A97: 27@ = vehicle 0@ struct
    27@ += 80 // X (NS) Spin
    0A8D: 26@ = read_memory 27@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
    0073: 26@ /= 28@ // normalize RV to Per Second
    005B: 29@ += 26@ // X Origin to our Vehicle Position
    27@ += 4  // Y (EW) Spin
    0A8D: 26@ = read_memory 27@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
    0073: 26@ /= 28@ // normalize RV to Per Second
    005B: 30@ += 26@ // Y Origin to our Vehicle Position
    27@ += 4  // Z (NW) Spin
    0A8D: 26@ = read_memory 27@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
    0073: 26@ /= 28@ // normalize RV to Per Second
    005B: 31@ += 26@ // Z Origin to our Vehicle Position
    27@ -= 88
    0AB1: @worldCoordsToEntityOffsets 4 _entity 27@ _coords_XYZ 29@ 30@ 31@ _store_to 29@ 30@ 31@
ret 3 29@ 30@ 31@

By Wesser modernized by ajom
Description: Convert world coordinates to entity's relative offsets.
Passed:     0@ - entity pointer     1@ - position X     2@ - position Y     3@ - position Z
Result:     7@ - relative offset X     8@ - relative offset Y     9@ - relative offset Z
Example:   0AB1: @worldCoordsToEntityOffsets 4 _entity 0x00000000 _coords_XYZ 0.0 0.0 0.0 _storeoffsets_XYZ 1@ 2@ 3@
0@ += 0x14 // CEntity.m_clPlaceable.m_pclMatrix
0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 0@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 4@ = 0@ + 0x30 // CMatrix.m_clOrigin
0AA5: call 0x40FE60 num_params 3 pop 3 pclVectorB 4@ pclVectorA 1@v pclOffset 1@v // vectorSub
0AA5: call 0x59C810 num_params 3 pop 3 pclMatrix 0@ pclAbsOffset 1@v pclRelOffset 7@v // absToRelOffset
0AB2: ret 3 offsetX 7@ offsetY 8@ offsetZ 9@

The script above is untested. I gave you the idea on what I think you can do without furtherly Reading the game memory of terrain.

Bloodriver the Conqueror

Active member
Mar 23, 2020
Reaction score
I don't know how the wheel tracks are processed in gtasa memory(or where it can be found). Maybe someone else can help you.

You might also try checking the vehicle's Yaw Rotation Velocity:
0000: drifting detector by ajom.

    DRIFTINGSENSITIVITY = 10.0 // change this value until the drifting detection becomes more accurate.
    MYCAR = 31@

While true
    Wait 0
    If 00DF:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving
        03C0: MYCAR = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
        0AB1: @GetVehicleRelativeRotationVelocityPerSecond 1 _OfVehicleHandle MYCAR _StoreRotationVelocityXYZ 2@ 1@ 0@
        0@ *= 57.2957795131 // convert to degrees
        3@ *= -1.0
        If 002D: 3@ >= 0@ // drifting left
        Then 0AD1:   show_formatted_text_highpriority "Drifting Left: %f" time 100 0@
           If 0@ >= DRIFTINGSENSITIVITY // drifting right
           Then 0AD1:   show_formatted_text_highpriority "Drifting Right: %f" time 100 0@

:GetVehicleRelativeRotationVelocityPerSecond // 0AB1: @GetVehicleRelativeRotationVelocityPerSecond 1 _OfVehicleHandle 0@ _StoreRotationVelocityXYZ 29@ 30@ 31@
    00AA: store_car 0@ position_to 29@ 30@ 31@
        // Per Frame to Per Second Converter
    0A8D: 28@ = readMem 0xB7CB5C size 4 vp 0 // gta frame time, use in order to be consistent with FPS
    if 28@ == 0.0
    then 28@ = 1.0
    else 28@ /= 50.0
    0A97: 27@ = vehicle 0@ struct
    27@ += 80 // X (NS) Spin
    0A8D: 26@ = read_memory 27@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
    0073: 26@ /= 28@ // normalize RV to Per Second
    005B: 29@ += 26@ // X Origin to our Vehicle Position
    27@ += 4  // Y (EW) Spin
    0A8D: 26@ = read_memory 27@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
    0073: 26@ /= 28@ // normalize RV to Per Second
    005B: 30@ += 26@ // Y Origin to our Vehicle Position
    27@ += 4  // Z (NW) Spin
    0A8D: 26@ = read_memory 27@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
    0073: 26@ /= 28@ // normalize RV to Per Second
    005B: 31@ += 26@ // Z Origin to our Vehicle Position
    27@ -= 88
    0AB1: @worldCoordsToEntityOffsets 4 _entity 27@ _coords_XYZ 29@ 30@ 31@ _store_to 29@ 30@ 31@
ret 3 29@ 30@ 31@

By Wesser modernized by ajom
Description: Convert world coordinates to entity's relative offsets.
Passed:     0@ - entity pointer     1@ - position X     2@ - position Y     3@ - position Z
Result:     7@ - relative offset X     8@ - relative offset Y     9@ - relative offset Z
Example:   0AB1: @worldCoordsToEntityOffsets 4 _entity 0x00000000 _coords_XYZ 0.0 0.0 0.0 _storeoffsets_XYZ 1@ 2@ 3@
0@ += 0x14 // CEntity.m_clPlaceable.m_pclMatrix
0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 0@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8E: 4@ = 0@ + 0x30 // CMatrix.m_clOrigin
0AA5: call 0x40FE60 num_params 3 pop 3 pclVectorB 4@ pclVectorA 1@v pclOffset 1@v // vectorSub
0AA5: call 0x59C810 num_params 3 pop 3 pclMatrix 0@ pclAbsOffset 1@v pclRelOffset 7@v // absToRelOffset
0AB2: ret 3 offsetX 7@ offsetY 8@ offsetZ 9@

The script above is untested. I gave you the idea on what I think you can do without furtherly Reading the game memory of terrain.
Dude Thanks For Helping.
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