This function keeps your game running even when you're ALT + Tabbed out, allowing the game to continue in real-time. Additionally, you can simulate being AFK (Away From Keyboard)How? I've been trying to figure it out about this one.
local sampev = require ''
function main()
while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end
if not isSampLoaded() or not isSampfuncsLoaded() then return end
function sampev.onSendPlayerSync()
-- Use return false to simulate that u are AFK
function antiPause()
writeMemory(7634870, 1, 1, 1)
writeMemory(7635034, 1, 1, 1)
memory.fill(7623723, 144, 8)...
Just make game never get pausedIs it possible? If so how can I do it?
How? I've been trying to figure it out about this one.Just make game never get paused
This function keeps your game running even when you're ALT + Tabbed out, allowing the game to continue in real-time. Additionally, you can simulate being AFK (Away From Keyboard)How? I've been trying to figure it out about this one.
local sampev = require ''
function main()
while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end
if not isSampLoaded() or not isSampfuncsLoaded() then return end
function sampev.onSendPlayerSync()
-- Use return false to simulate that u are AFK
function antiPause()
writeMemory(7634870, 1, 1, 1)
writeMemory(7635034, 1, 1, 1)
memory.fill(7623723, 144, 8)
memory.fill(5499528, 144, 6)
local memory = require 'memory'
local afk = true
function main()
while true do
if testCheat('AFK') then
afk = not afk
printStringNow(afk and '~g~ AFK ON' or '~r~ AFK OFF', 2000)
if afk then
memory.setuint8(7634870, 1, false)
memory.setuint8(7635034, 1, false)
memory.fill(7623723, 144, 8, false)
memory.fill(5499528, 144, 6, false)
memory.setuint8(7634870, 0, false)
memory.setuint8(7635034, 0, false)
memory.hex2bin('0F 84 7B 01 00 00', 7623723, 8)
memory.hex2bin('50 51 FF 15 00 83 85 00', 5499528, 6)
Ooh I see, but what those memory fill means? Like is there any function name in gta/samp that needs to be patched?This function keeps your game running even when you're ALT + Tabbed out, allowing the game to continue in real-time. Additionally, you can simulate being AFK (Away From Keyboard)
Remember, if you press ESC, the game will be paused, and none of this will work.
Code:local sampev = require '' function main() while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end if not isSampLoaded() or not isSampfuncsLoaded() then return end antiPause() end function sampev.onSendPlayerSync() -- Use return false to simulate that u are AFK end function antiPause() writeMemory(7634870, 1, 1, 1) writeMemory(7635034, 1, 1, 1) memory.fill(7623723, 144, 8) memory.fill(5499528, 144, 6) end
No, it just writes to memory to keep the game in real-time. I got the function from the link below:Ooh I see, but what those memory fill means? Like is there any function name in gta/samp that needs to be patched?
This function keeps your game running even when you're ALT + Tabbed out, allowing the game to continue in real-time. Additionally, you can simulate being AFK (Away From Keyboard)
Remember, if you press ESC, the game will be paused, and none of this will work.
Code:local sampev = require '' function main() while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end if not isSampLoaded() or not isSampfuncsLoaded() then return end antiPause() end function sampev.onSendPlayerSync() -- Use return false to simulate that u are AFK end function antiPause() writeMemory(7634870, 1, 1, 1) writeMemory(7635034, 1, 1, 1) memory.fill(7623723, 144, 8) memory.fill(5499528, 144, 6) end
{$CLEO .cs}
IF 8256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
THEN 0A93: end_custom_thread
WAIT 1500
UNTIL 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
0ADC: test_cheat "AFK"
IF 31@ == FALSE
31@ = TRUE
0AD1: "~Y~Anti GamePause: ~G~ON" 1337
0A8C: write_memory 0x747FB6 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 0x74805A size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 0x53EA88 size 4 value 0x90909090 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 0x53EA8C size 2 value 0x9090 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 0x74542B size 4 value 0x90909090 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 0x74542F size 4 value 0x90909090 virtual_protect 1
31@ = FALSE
0AD1: "~Y~Anti GamePause: ~R~OFF" 1337
0A8C: write_memory 0x747FB6 size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 0x74805A size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 0x53EA88 size 4 value 0x017B840F virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 0x53EA8C size 2 value 0x0000 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 0x74542B size 4 value 0x15FF5150 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 0x74542F size 4 value 0x00858300 virtual_protect 1