Amr link said:How to move the MiniMap ?
i want to move the MiniMap because in Dayz server the map has a black thing on it so no one can see the map so i need to move the MiniMap :urtheman:
LuchoK link said:
[align=center]You can do it with interface editor :computer_guy:
LuchoK link said:
[align=center]1- Download interface editor
2- Put it in your GTA main folder
3- Open "IEV.exe" and move the map
4- Close the program and click "yes" to save the changes.
And done!
Amr link said:[member=7786]LuchoK[/member] Can you tell me how to change the MiniMap from a Circle to a Square ? and how to make it blue like you ? and whats the name of the ENB you are using (That if you are using one :youdontsay: )
Min link said:After change it, [glow=red,2,300]CRASHED.[/glow] :table_flip:
i use gta iv Hud.
LuchoK link said:
[align=center]Maybe because you can't have interface editor with that hud.
I remember that hud have HP-Armour in the map, and the Interface Editor has separated the HP, armour and minimap.
Try it with a GTA that don't have any mods.
Min link said:Okay i will try to delete my Hud and do it again. :computer_guy: