My post is gone?

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Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
Err... I made a tutorial on how to properly install CLEO and mods and downgrade and patch SA for CLEO mods and I was about to add more stuff, since people around here have a lot of problems with CLEO so I kinda wanted to get those problems into a single post since they mostly have the same cause and/or origin... anyway after my last edit it said "It needs to be approved by moderator"... I don't know why does a post have to be approved after every edit and then it disappears after being edited until approved again... okay I get it because people can change stuff to ridiculous things, but I guess that's why there are moderators... anyway, xzytro approved it and also did "thanks" which means that I will track his address down and sent him cookies via mail on his doorstep :xD: :xD::xD: aaaand anyway mein post gone :fu: :fu::fu: and mi put so much effort to halp ppl n now I cry :cry: :cry::cry:

And also... that porn section... I mean... holy... I should better shut up about some things next time :eek:.O: :eek:.O::eek:.O: :lol: :lol::lol: :catface: :catface::catface: :troll: :troll::troll:
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