CLEO Help NOP for GetPlayerWeapon

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Active member
Jan 17, 2020
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Yo. Just got back to SAMP for like 10 days in holidays haha. Anyways, I have a silly question to ask.

Does a NOP exist for "GetPlayerWeapon" and/or "GetPlayerWeaponData" SA-MP functions? I just looked through this big list of NOPs we have on this forum and there was nothing for this particular one.

My friend has a DM server and we were just trying to exploit the anti cheat honestly. Just something to do whilst we are bored in isolation lol. Because the script checks for weapon hacks like this;

if (Player's weapon is in SQL Database "validWeapons" && GetPlayerWeapon(weaponID") {{ yes this isnt the exact code but this is the logic}}. I was thinking, in order to NOT make this IF statement fire, we can't really interfere with server's database, but can certainly fake GetPlayerWeapon. So if the second condition becomes false, anti cheat stops lol.

Does a NOP for that exist? (and this is done to have fun really, I barely even play nowadays lol).

Another thing I was thinking was, is there a way I can actually use a weapon but fake that, by sending packets that im actually not SHOOTING from for example a deagle but by thumb? So in logic example,

On player shot, my client sends I shot by punch/hand/thumb, but in reality I actually shot a deagle? But I am thinking, if I do this, that just means shooting by deagle is pointless because to the server packets, I just hit by hand so damage is negligble. Am I right? So meaning, GetPlayerWeapon will return I have weapon ID 0 (thumb). But then that would mean server interprets that as just a punch and so no big damage is done to HP? True or would this work?
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Staff member
Jan 2, 2017
Reaction score
0.3.7 R1
SendTime = 0xCFE0
SetPlayerCameraLookingAt = 0x161C0
InitGame = 0xD710
ShowGameText = 0x15F40
SetPlayerCameraPos = 0x160F0
SetPlayerInterior = 0x16050
SetPlayerPos = 0x15970
SetPlayerFacingAngle = 0x16BF0
RequestSpawn = 0xD150
ToggleClock = 0xC5C0
RequestClass = 0xD080
UpdateScorePingsandIPs = 0xD490
GangZoneCreate = 0x19650
TextDrawSetString = 0x19540
SetPlayerColor = 0x15E50
SetPlayerAttachedObject = 0x155E0
ShowTextDraw = 0x19360
ClickTextDraw = 0x19C20
SetPlayerSkin = 0x15860
SetPlayerTeam = 0x15D60
WorldVehicleAdd = 0xB850
PlaySound = 0x16980
TextDrawHideForPlayer = 0x19490
SendClientMessage = 0xC050
SetPlayerWorldBounds = 0x16A60
SetPlayerHealth = 0x15BA0
ResetPlayerWeapons = 0x14790
GivePlayerWeapon = 0x16C90
ShowPlayerDialog = 0xCBB0
GangZoneFlash = 0x19820
WorldVehicleRemove = 0xDF70
GangZoneStopFlash = 0x198E0
SetPlayerMapIcon = 0x16DE0
ResetPlayerMoney = 0x14780
GivePlayerMoney = 0x16B50
CreateObject = 0x17980
ServerJoin = 0xCDA0
SetPlayerAnimation = 0x16FA0
Create3DTextLabel = 0xC7D0
CreatePickup = 0xC140
SetCameraBehindPlayer = 0x14770
SetRaceCheckpoint = 0xD330
Update3DTextLabel = 0xC980
DestroyPickup = 0xC200
PutPlayerInVehicle = 0x15C50
WorldPlayerAdd = 0xDBB0
DisableRaceCheckpoint = 0xB790
WorldPlayerRemove = 0xDEA0
TogglePlayerControllable = 0x168E0
InitMenu = 0x18EA0
ShowMenu = 0x19160
RemoveBuildingForPlayer = 0x19B00
DeathMessage = 0x1A290
WorldPlayerDeath = 0xDDE0
Chat = 0xEEA0
DestroyObject = 0x18260
SetPlayerFightingStyle = 0x14E30
SetPlayerTime = 0xC4E0
SetSpawnInfo = 0x14640
SetObjectPos = 0x18050
SetObjectRot = 0x18160
MoveObject = 0x18540
StopObject = 0x186F0
SetObjectMaterial = 0x17CE0
SetVehicleParamsEx = 0x16C90
ServerQuit = 0xCF20
SetVehicleHealth = 0x173B0
DamageVehicle = 0xE240
ScmEvent = 0xC340
SetVehiclePos = 0x162C0
SetPlayerSpecialAction = 0x14D80
ClearAnimation = 0x14C70
EnterVehicle = 0xE650
SetNumberPlate = 0x18870
CreateExplosion = 0x18350
SetPlayerDrunkLevel = 0x15490
SetPlayerArmour = 0x171A0
SetPlayerName = 0x1A4F0
RemovePlayerMapIcon = 0x16F00
SetWeather = 0xC430
GangZoneDestroy = 0x19770
SetPlayerArmedWeapon = 0x15530
EnablePlayerCameraTarget = 0xBC00
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer = 0x19990
StopAudioStreamForPlayer = 0x147E0
SetPlayerShopName = 0x14540
SetPlayerSkillLevel = 0xC6A0
RemovePlayerFromVehicle = 0x146E0
PlayCrimeReportForPlayer = 0x15720
SetPlayerWantedLevel = 0x192C0
SetPlayerAmmo = 0x17250
SetVehicleZAngle = 0x163D0
SetVehicleParamsForPlayer = 0x164B0
SetWorldTime = 0xBFB0
SetGravity = 0x17310
EnableStuntBonusForPlayer = 0x14440
LinkVehicleToInterior = 0x16580
SetPlayerVelocity = 0x14F30
SetPlayerPosFindZ = 0x15A90
AttachObjectToPlayer = 0x18CE0
ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer = 0x18460
TogglePlayerSpectating = 0x18990
PlayerSpectatePlayer = 0x18A40
PlayerSpectateVehicle = 0x18B20
InterpolateCameraPos = 0x16740
RemoveCarComponent = 0x18C00
SetVehicleVelocity = 0x15030
AttachTrailer = 0x17490
Onfoot data = 0x4D10
InCarData = 0x6E30


Active member
Jan 21, 2017
Reaction score
0.3.7 R1
SendTime = 0xCFE0
SetPlayerCameraLookingAt = 0x161C0
InitGame = 0xD710
ShowGameText = 0x15F40
SetPlayerCameraPos = 0x160F0
SetPlayerInterior = 0x16050
SetPlayerPos = 0x15970
SetPlayerFacingAngle = 0x16BF0
RequestSpawn = 0xD150
ToggleClock = 0xC5C0
RequestClass = 0xD080
UpdateScorePingsandIPs = 0xD490
GangZoneCreate = 0x19650
TextDrawSetString = 0x19540
SetPlayerColor = 0x15E50
SetPlayerAttachedObject = 0x155E0
ShowTextDraw = 0x19360
ClickTextDraw = 0x19C20
SetPlayerSkin = 0x15860
SetPlayerTeam = 0x15D60
WorldVehicleAdd = 0xB850
PlaySound = 0x16980
TextDrawHideForPlayer = 0x19490
SendClientMessage = 0xC050
SetPlayerWorldBounds = 0x16A60
SetPlayerHealth = 0x15BA0
ResetPlayerWeapons = 0x14790
GivePlayerWeapon = 0x16C90
ShowPlayerDialog = 0xCBB0
GangZoneFlash = 0x19820
WorldVehicleRemove = 0xDF70
GangZoneStopFlash = 0x198E0
SetPlayerMapIcon = 0x16DE0
ResetPlayerMoney = 0x14780
GivePlayerMoney = 0x16B50
CreateObject = 0x17980
ServerJoin = 0xCDA0
SetPlayerAnimation = 0x16FA0
Create3DTextLabel = 0xC7D0
CreatePickup = 0xC140
SetCameraBehindPlayer = 0x14770
SetRaceCheckpoint = 0xD330
Update3DTextLabel = 0xC980
DestroyPickup = 0xC200
PutPlayerInVehicle = 0x15C50
WorldPlayerAdd = 0xDBB0
DisableRaceCheckpoint = 0xB790
WorldPlayerRemove = 0xDEA0
TogglePlayerControllable = 0x168E0
InitMenu = 0x18EA0
ShowMenu = 0x19160
RemoveBuildingForPlayer = 0x19B00
DeathMessage = 0x1A290
WorldPlayerDeath = 0xDDE0
Chat = 0xEEA0
DestroyObject = 0x18260
SetPlayerFightingStyle = 0x14E30
SetPlayerTime = 0xC4E0
SetSpawnInfo = 0x14640
SetObjectPos = 0x18050
SetObjectRot = 0x18160
MoveObject = 0x18540
StopObject = 0x186F0
SetObjectMaterial = 0x17CE0
SetVehicleParamsEx = 0x16C90
ServerQuit = 0xCF20
SetVehicleHealth = 0x173B0
DamageVehicle = 0xE240
ScmEvent = 0xC340
SetVehiclePos = 0x162C0
SetPlayerSpecialAction = 0x14D80
ClearAnimation = 0x14C70
EnterVehicle = 0xE650
SetNumberPlate = 0x18870
CreateExplosion = 0x18350
SetPlayerDrunkLevel = 0x15490
SetPlayerArmour = 0x171A0
SetPlayerName = 0x1A4F0
RemovePlayerMapIcon = 0x16F00
SetWeather = 0xC430
GangZoneDestroy = 0x19770
SetPlayerArmedWeapon = 0x15530
EnablePlayerCameraTarget = 0xBC00
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer = 0x19990
StopAudioStreamForPlayer = 0x147E0
SetPlayerShopName = 0x14540
SetPlayerSkillLevel = 0xC6A0
RemovePlayerFromVehicle = 0x146E0
PlayCrimeReportForPlayer = 0x15720
SetPlayerWantedLevel = 0x192C0
SetPlayerAmmo = 0x17250
SetVehicleZAngle = 0x163D0
SetVehicleParamsForPlayer = 0x164B0
SetWorldTime = 0xBFB0
SetGravity = 0x17310
EnableStuntBonusForPlayer = 0x14440
LinkVehicleToInterior = 0x16580
SetPlayerVelocity = 0x14F30
SetPlayerPosFindZ = 0x15A90
AttachObjectToPlayer = 0x18CE0
ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer = 0x18460
TogglePlayerSpectating = 0x18990
PlayerSpectatePlayer = 0x18A40
PlayerSpectateVehicle = 0x18B20
InterpolateCameraPos = 0x16740
RemoveCarComponent = 0x18C00
SetVehicleVelocity = 0x15030
AttachTrailer = 0x17490
Onfoot data = 0x4D10
InCarData = 0x6E30
there also 0.3.dl offsets?


Active member
Jan 17, 2020
Reaction score
0.3.7 R1
SendTime = 0xCFE0
SetPlayerCameraLookingAt = 0x161C0
InitGame = 0xD710
ShowGameText = 0x15F40
SetPlayerCameraPos = 0x160F0
SetPlayerInterior = 0x16050
SetPlayerPos = 0x15970
SetPlayerFacingAngle = 0x16BF0
RequestSpawn = 0xD150
ToggleClock = 0xC5C0
RequestClass = 0xD080
UpdateScorePingsandIPs = 0xD490
GangZoneCreate = 0x19650
TextDrawSetString = 0x19540
SetPlayerColor = 0x15E50
SetPlayerAttachedObject = 0x155E0
ShowTextDraw = 0x19360
ClickTextDraw = 0x19C20
SetPlayerSkin = 0x15860
SetPlayerTeam = 0x15D60
WorldVehicleAdd = 0xB850
PlaySound = 0x16980
TextDrawHideForPlayer = 0x19490
SendClientMessage = 0xC050
SetPlayerWorldBounds = 0x16A60
SetPlayerHealth = 0x15BA0
ResetPlayerWeapons = 0x14790
GivePlayerWeapon = 0x16C90
ShowPlayerDialog = 0xCBB0
GangZoneFlash = 0x19820
WorldVehicleRemove = 0xDF70
GangZoneStopFlash = 0x198E0
SetPlayerMapIcon = 0x16DE0
ResetPlayerMoney = 0x14780
GivePlayerMoney = 0x16B50
CreateObject = 0x17980
ServerJoin = 0xCDA0
SetPlayerAnimation = 0x16FA0
Create3DTextLabel = 0xC7D0
CreatePickup = 0xC140
SetCameraBehindPlayer = 0x14770
SetRaceCheckpoint = 0xD330
Update3DTextLabel = 0xC980
DestroyPickup = 0xC200
PutPlayerInVehicle = 0x15C50
WorldPlayerAdd = 0xDBB0
DisableRaceCheckpoint = 0xB790
WorldPlayerRemove = 0xDEA0
TogglePlayerControllable = 0x168E0
InitMenu = 0x18EA0
ShowMenu = 0x19160
RemoveBuildingForPlayer = 0x19B00
DeathMessage = 0x1A290
WorldPlayerDeath = 0xDDE0
Chat = 0xEEA0
DestroyObject = 0x18260
SetPlayerFightingStyle = 0x14E30
SetPlayerTime = 0xC4E0
SetSpawnInfo = 0x14640
SetObjectPos = 0x18050
SetObjectRot = 0x18160
MoveObject = 0x18540
StopObject = 0x186F0
SetObjectMaterial = 0x17CE0
SetVehicleParamsEx = 0x16C90
ServerQuit = 0xCF20
SetVehicleHealth = 0x173B0
DamageVehicle = 0xE240
ScmEvent = 0xC340
SetVehiclePos = 0x162C0
SetPlayerSpecialAction = 0x14D80
ClearAnimation = 0x14C70
EnterVehicle = 0xE650
SetNumberPlate = 0x18870
CreateExplosion = 0x18350
SetPlayerDrunkLevel = 0x15490
SetPlayerArmour = 0x171A0
SetPlayerName = 0x1A4F0
RemovePlayerMapIcon = 0x16F00
SetWeather = 0xC430
GangZoneDestroy = 0x19770
SetPlayerArmedWeapon = 0x15530
EnablePlayerCameraTarget = 0xBC00
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer = 0x19990
StopAudioStreamForPlayer = 0x147E0
SetPlayerShopName = 0x14540
SetPlayerSkillLevel = 0xC6A0
RemovePlayerFromVehicle = 0x146E0
PlayCrimeReportForPlayer = 0x15720
SetPlayerWantedLevel = 0x192C0
SetPlayerAmmo = 0x17250
SetVehicleZAngle = 0x163D0
SetVehicleParamsForPlayer = 0x164B0
SetWorldTime = 0xBFB0
SetGravity = 0x17310
EnableStuntBonusForPlayer = 0x14440
LinkVehicleToInterior = 0x16580
SetPlayerVelocity = 0x14F30
SetPlayerPosFindZ = 0x15A90
AttachObjectToPlayer = 0x18CE0
ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer = 0x18460
TogglePlayerSpectating = 0x18990
PlayerSpectatePlayer = 0x18A40
PlayerSpectateVehicle = 0x18B20
InterpolateCameraPos = 0x16740
RemoveCarComponent = 0x18C00
SetVehicleVelocity = 0x15030
AttachTrailer = 0x17490
Onfoot data = 0x4D10
InCarData = 0x6E30
But there's nothing for "GetPlayerWeapon"? That is the code the script checks to satisfry its IF statement.