As I wrote in the topic, I need help to code bullet tracer in samp.
first of all, it can be any coding lang(cleo,asi or anyelse). so it should look like this (see attachments)
I found a cleo that creates bullet tracers in the singleplayer gta. Anyways its working on the samp too, but not 0p.
hope you guys help me to get best rekker bullet trac4r
and ofc samp 0.3dl
first of all, it can be any coding lang(cleo,asi or anyelse). so it should look like this (see attachments)
I found a cleo that creates bullet tracers in the singleplayer gta. Anyways its working on the samp too, but not 0p.
hope you guys help me to get best rekker bullet trac4r
while true
wait 0
for 0@ = 0xC7C748 to 0xC7C9DC step 0x2C
0085: 1@ = 0@ // (int)
1@ += 0x18
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 1 virtual_protect 0
1@ == 1
0085: 2@ = 0@ // (int)
0085: 3@ = 0@ // (int)
0085: 4@ = 0@ // (int)
2@ += 0xff
3@ += 0x44
4@ += 0x40
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 1 value 255 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 3@ size 4 value 0.03 virtual_protect 0
0A8C: write_memory 4@ size 4 value 900 virtual_protect 0
0085: 2@ = 0@ // (int)
0085: 3@ = 0@ // (int)
0085: 4@ = 0@ // (int)
0085: 5@ = 0@ // (int)
0085: 6@ = 0@ // (int)
0085: 7@ = 0@ // (int)
3@ += 0x24
4@ += 0x18
5@ += 0x1C
6@ += 0x10
7@ += 0x34
0A8D: 8@ = read_memory 2@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 //Float Trans Side X
0A8D: 9@ = read_memory 3@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 //Float Trans Side Y
0A8D: 10@ = read_memory 4@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 //Float Trans Side Z
0A8D: 11@ = read_memory 5@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 //Float Yellow Side X
0A8D: 12@ = read_memory 6@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 //Float Yellow Side Y
0A8D: 13@ = read_memory 7@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 //Float Yellow Side Z
0063: 8@ -= 11@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 12@ // (float)
0063: 10@ -= 13@ // (float)
8@ /= 5.5
9@ /= 5.5
10@ /= 5.5
095C: create_smoke_at 11@ 12@ 13@ velocity 8@ 9@ 10@ RGBA 3.0 0.0 0.0 5.8 size 1.01 last_factor 0.1
024F: create_corona_with_radius 0.53 type 2 lensflares 1 with_color 255 0 255 at 8@ 9@ 10@
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