Hello guys.It's been 3 days since i decided to make this mod and i failed over and over.
I want to make a rainbow zonetext.
You know what zonetext is so i won't explain.
this is the code
The mode is default untill i added this code who makes the text to be colored in more colors like rainbow colors.
What i did wrong on this code ? i have a video to show u guys how my mod is working.
It keeps showing only blue.Ignore the text from the video.
:sadpepe: :angry:
I want to make a rainbow zonetext.
You know what zonetext is so i won't explain.
this is the code
9@ = 0
11@ = 0
12@ = 0
15@ = 1
17@ = 0
0000: NOP
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_171
gosub @NONAME_226
gosub @NONAME_288
gosub @NONAME_337
if or
9@ == 1
11@ == 1
12@ == 1
15@ == 0
else_jump @NONAME_119
03F0: enable_text_draw 0
jump @NONAME_164
if and
not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR)
00E1: player $PLAYER_CHAR pressed_key 4
else_jump @NONAME_153
03F0: enable_text_draw 0
jump @NONAME_164
03F0: enable_text_draw 1
gosub @NONAME_413
jump @NONAME_37
0A8D: 8@ = read_memory 11989093 size 4 virtual_protect 0
8@ == 1
else_jump @NONAME_217
9@ = 1
jump @NONAME_224
9@ = 0
0A8D: 10@ = read_memory 9873356 size 4 virtual_protect 0
if or
10@ == 1
10@ == 2
else_jump @NONAME_279
11@ = 1
jump @NONAME_286
11@ = 0
06B9: cutscene_data_loaded
else_jump @NONAME_328
82E9: not cutscene_reached_end
else_jump @NONAME_321
12@ = 1
jump @NONAME_335
12@ = 0
0A8D: 13@ = read_memory 12216172 size 4 virtual_protect 0
0A8D: 14@ = read_memory 12231675 size 4 virtual_protect 0
if and
13@ == 2
14@ == 0
else_jump @NONAME_404
15@ = 0
jump @NONAME_411
15@ = 1
gosub @NONAME_581
17@ == 0
else_jump @NONAME_572
gosub @NONAME_627
gosub @NONAME_657
if or
05AD: s$93 == 'LA' // s$ == short // Los Santos
05AD: s$93 == 'SF' // s$ == short // San Fierro
05AD: s$93 == 'VE' // s$ == short // Las Venturas
else_jump @NONAME_519
05A9: s$93 = 'CT' // s$
05AD: s$93 == 'SAN_AND' // s$ == short // San Andreas
else_jump @NONAME_558
05A9: s$93 = 'CN' // s$
gosub @NONAME_957
jump @NONAME_579
gosub @NONAME_1067
077E: get_active_interior_to 16@
16@ == 0
else_jump @NONAME_618
17@ = 0
jump @NONAME_625
17@ = 1
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1@, 2@, 3@)
0843: get_zone_at 1@ 2@ 3@ nameA_to s$93 // 8-byte string
gosub @NONAME_1007
7@ == 0
else_jump @NONAME_696
05A9: s$95 = 'CS' // s$
7@ == 1
else_jump @NONAME_728
05A9: s$95 = 'LA' // s$ // Los Santos
7@ == 2
else_jump @NONAME_760
05A9: s$95 = 'SF' // s$ // San Fierro
7@ == 3
else_jump @NONAME_792
05A9: s$95 = 'VE' // s$ // Las Venturas
05AD: s$93 == 'SAN_AND' // s$ == short // San Andreas
else_jump @NONAME_831
05A9: s$95 = 'SAN_AND' // s$ // San Andreas
05AD: s$93 == 'LA' // s$ == short // Los Santos
else_jump @NONAME_870
05A9: s$95 = 'LA' // s$ // Los Santos
05AD: s$93 == 'SF' // s$ == short // San Fierro
else_jump @NONAME_909
05A9: s$95 = 'SF' // s$ // San Fierro
05AD: s$93 == 'VE' // s$ == short // Las Venturas
else_jump @NONAME_948
05A9: s$95 = 'VE' // s$ // Las Venturas
gosub @NONAME_1017
03E0: draw_text_behind_textures 1
033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.5 1.4
0342: set_text_draw_centered 1
081C: draw_text_outline 2 RGBA 0 0 0 255
0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 30@ 31@ 32@ 255
033E: set_draw_text_position 310.0 426.0 GXT s$93
0842: 7@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR town_number
03E0: draw_text_behind_textures 1
033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.0 0.0
0342: set_text_draw_centered 1
081C: draw_text_outline 2 RGBA 0 0 0 255
033E: set_draw_text_position 540.0 800.0 GXT s$95
gosub @NONAME_1090
gosub @NONAME_1100
gosub @NONAME_1017
094B: v$99 = get_active_interior_name_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR // 16-byte string
03E0: draw_text_behind_textures 1
033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.3 1.2
0342: set_text_draw_centered 1
081C: draw_text_outline 2 RGBA 0 0 0 255
033E: set_draw_text_position 180.0 326.0 GXT v$99
wait 0
30@ = 255
31@ = 0
32@ = 0
32@ = 0
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
32@ += 1
32@ > 255
jf @NONAME_35
32@ = 255
30@ = 255
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
30@ -= 1
0 > 31@
jf @NONAME_84
30@ = 0
31@ = 0
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
31@ += 1
31@ > 255
jf @NONAME_130
31@ = 255
32@ = 255
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
32@ -= 1
0 > 32@
jf @NONAME_179
32@ = 0
30@ = 0
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
30@ += 1
30@ > 255
jf @NONAME_225
30@ = 255
31@ = 255
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
31@ -= 1
0 > 31@
jf @NONAME_274
31@ = 0
jump @NONAME_2
The mode is default untill i added this code who makes the text to be colored in more colors like rainbow colors.
wait 0
30@ = 255
31@ = 0
32@ = 0
32@ = 0
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
32@ += 1
32@ > 255
jf @NONAME_35
32@ = 255
30@ = 255
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
30@ -= 1
0 > 31@
jf @NONAME_84
30@ = 0
31@ = 0
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
31@ += 1
31@ > 255
jf @NONAME_130
31@ = 255
32@ = 255
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
32@ -= 1
0 > 32@
jf @NONAME_179
32@ = 0
30@ = 0
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
30@ += 1
30@ > 255
jf @NONAME_225
30@ = 255
31@ = 255
wait 0
gosub @NONAME_957
31@ -= 1
0 > 31@
jf @NONAME_274
31@ = 0
jump @NONAME_2
What i did wrong on this code ? i have a video to show u guys how my mod is working.
It keeps showing only blue.Ignore the text from the video.
:sadpepe: :angry: