* Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): Money Hack in Roleplay's Server's :hellno:
* Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not): any idea :forever_opcode_alone:
* What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully) like s0beit money hack just
* Details (add more details to your request) just i buy something he be more not less or i do a key he work he give me +10k$
* On/off key (specify it): MONEY
* Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not): any idea :forever_opcode_alone:
* What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully) like s0beit money hack just
* Details (add more details to your request) just i buy something he be more not less or i do a key he work he give me +10k$
* On/off key (specify it): MONEY