I'm searching for SAMP 0.3.7 NOPs addresses and offsets, and I found only that shit...
Soo, Someone can share here the NOPs pack for SAMP 0.3.7 ?
Thanks Bros :urtheman:
# ========================
# Network Patches (max: 1024)
# ========================
# Format: name type id hotkey enable (available types: incoming RPC, outcoming RPC, incoming packet, outcoming packet)
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerName" "incoming RPC" 11 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerPos" "incoming RPC" 12 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerPosFindZ" "incoming RPC" 13 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerHealth" "incoming RPC" 14 &0 0
netPatch[] = "TogglePlayerControllable" "incoming RPC" 15 &0 0
netPatch[] = "PlaySound" "incoming RPC" 16 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerWorldBounds" "incoming RPC" 17 &0 0
netPatch[] = "GivePlayerMoney" "incoming RPC" 18 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerFacingAngle" "incoming RPC" 19 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ResetPlayerMoney" "incoming RPC" 20 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ResetPlayerWeapons" "incoming RPC" 21 &0 0
netPatch[] = "GivePlayerWeapon" "incoming RPC" 22 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetVehicleParamsEx" "incoming RPC" 24 &0 0
netPatch[] = "CancelEdit" "incoming RPC" 28 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerTime" "incoming RPC" 29 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ToggleClock" "incoming RPC" 30 &0 0
netPatch[] = "WorldPlayerAdd" "incoming RPC" 32 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerShopName" "incoming RPC" 33 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerSkillLevel" "incoming RPC" 34 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerDrunkLevel" "incoming RPC" 35 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Create3DTextLabel" "incoming RPC" 36 &0 0
netPatch[] = "DisableCheckpoint" "incoming RPC" 37 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetRaceCheckpoint" "incoming RPC" 38 &0 0
netPatch[] = "DisableRaceCheckpoint" "incoming RPC" 39 &0 0
netPatch[] = "GameModeRestart" "incoming RPC" 40 &0 0
netPatch[] = "PlayAudioStream" "incoming RPC" 41 &0 0
netPatch[] = "StopAudioStream" "incoming RPC" 42 &0 0
netPatch[] = "RemoveBuildingForPlayer" "incoming RPC" 43 &0 0
netPatch[] = "CreateObject" "incoming RPC" 44 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetObjectPos" "incoming RPC" 45 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetObjectRot" "incoming RPC" 46 &0 0
netPatch[] = "DestroyObject" "incoming RPC" 47 &0 0
netPatch[] = "DeathMessage" "incoming RPC" 55 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerMapIcon" "incoming RPC" 56 &0 0
netPatch[] = "RemoveVehicleComponent" "incoming RPC" 57 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Update3DTextLabel" "incoming RPC" 58 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ChatBubble" "incoming RPC" 59 &0 0
netPatch[] = "UpdateSystemTime" "incoming RPC" 60 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ShowDialog" "incoming RPC" 61 &0 0
netPatch[] = "DestroyPickup" "incoming RPC" 63 &0 0
netPatch[] = "WeaponPickupDestroy" "incoming RPC" 64 &0 0
netPatch[] = "LinkVehicleToInterior" "incoming RPC" 65 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerArmour" "incoming RPC" 66 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerArmedWeapon" "incoming RPC" 67 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetSpawnInfo" "incoming RPC" 68 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerTeam" "incoming RPC" 69 &0 0
netPatch[] = "PutPlayerInVehicle" "incoming RPC" 70 &0 0
netPatch[] = "RemovePlayerFromVehicle" "incoming RPC" 71 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerColor" "incoming RPC" 72 &0 0
netPatch[] = "DisplayGameText" "incoming RPC" 73 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ForceClassSelection" "incoming RPC" 74 &0 0
netPatch[] = "AttachObjectToPlayer" "incoming RPC" 75 &0 0
netPatch[] = "InitMenu" "incoming RPC" 76 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ShowMenu" "incoming RPC" 77 &0 0
netPatch[] = "HideMenu" "incoming RPC" 78 &0 0
netPatch[] = "CreateExplosion" "incoming RPC" 79 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer" "incoming RPC" 80 &0 0
netPatch[] = "AttachCameraToObject" "incoming RPC" 81 &0 0
netPatch[] = "InterpolateCamera" "incoming RPC" 82 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetObjectMaterial" "incoming RPC" 84 &0 0
netPatch[] = "GangZoneStopFlash" "incoming RPC" 85 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ApplyAnimation" "incoming RPC" 86 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ClearAnimations" "incoming RPC" 87 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerSpecialAction" "incoming RPC" 88 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerFightingStyle" "incoming RPC" 89 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerVelocity" "incoming RPC" 90 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetVehicleVelocity" "incoming RPC" 91 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerDrunkVisuals" "incoming RPC" 92 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ClientMessage" "incoming RPC" 93 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetWorldTime" "incoming RPC" 94 &0 0
netPatch[] = "CreatePickup" "incoming RPC" 95 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetVehicleTireStatus" "incoming RPC" 98 &0 0
netPatch[] = "MoveObject" "incoming RPC" 99 &0 0
netPatch[] = "EnableStuntBonusForPlayer" "incoming RPC" 104 &0 0
netPatch[] = "TextDrawSetString" "incoming RPC" 105 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetCheckpoint" "incoming RPC" 107 &0 0
netPatch[] = "GangZoneCreate" "incoming RPC" 108 &0 0
netPatch[] = "PlayCrimeReport" "incoming RPC" 112 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerAttachedObject" "incoming RPC" 113 &0 0
netPatch[] = "GangZoneDestroy" "incoming RPC" 120 &0 0
netPatch[] = "GangZoneFlash" "incoming RPC" 121 &0 0
netPatch[] = "StopObject" "incoming RPC" 122 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetNumberPlate" "incoming RPC" 123 &0 0
netPatch[] = "TogglePlayerSpectating" "incoming RPC" 124 &0 0
netPatch[] = "PlayerSpectatePlayer" "incoming RPC" 126 &0 0
netPatch[] = "PlayerSpectateVehicle" "incoming RPC" 127 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerWantedLevel" "incoming RPC" 133 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ShowTextDraw" "incoming RPC" 134 &0 0
netPatch[] = "TextDrawHideForPlayer" "incoming RPC" 135 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ServerJoin" "incoming RPC" 137 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ServerQuit" "incoming RPC" 138 &0 0
netPatch[] = "InitGame" "incoming RPC" 139 &0 0
netPatch[] = "RemovePlayerMapIcon" "incoming RPC" 144 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerAmmo" "incoming RPC" 145 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerGravity" "incoming RPC" 146 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetVehicleHealth" "incoming RPC" 147 &0 0
netPatch[] = "AttachTrailerToVehicle" "incoming RPC" 148 &0 0
netPatch[] = "DetachTrailerFromVehicle" "incoming RPC" 149 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerDrunkHandling" "incoming RPC" 150 &0 0
netPatch[] = "DestroyPickups" "incoming RPC" 151 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetWeather" "incoming RPC" 152 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerSkin" "incoming RPC" 153 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerInterior" "incoming RPC" 156 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerCameraPos" "incoming RPC" 157 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetPlayerCameraLookAt" "incoming RPC" 158 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetVehiclePos" "incoming RPC" 159 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetVehicleZAngle" "incoming RPC" 160 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetVehicleParamsForPlayer" "incoming RPC" 161 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetCameraBehindPlayer" "incoming RPC" 162 &0 0
netPatch[] = "WorldPlayerRemove" "incoming RPC" 163 &0 0
netPatch[] = "WorldVehicleAdd" "incoming RPC" 164 &0 0
netPatch[] = "WorldVehicleRemove" "incoming RPC" 165 &0 0
netPatch[] = "WorldPlayerDeath" "incoming RPC" 166 &0 0
netPatch[] = "EnterVehicle" "incoming RPC" 26 &0 0
netPatch[] = "EnterEditObject" "incoming RPC" 27 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SCMEvent" "incoming RPC" 96 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Chat" "incoming RPC" 101 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SrvNetStats" "incoming RPC" 102 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ClientCheck" "incoming RPC" 103 &0 0
netPatch[] = "DamageVehicle" "incoming RPC" 106 &0 0
netPatch[] = "EditAttachedObject" "incoming RPC" 116 &0 0
netPatch[] = "EditObject" "incoming RPC" 117 &0 0
netPatch[] = "RequestClass" "incoming RPC" 128 &0 0
netPatch[] = "RequestSpawn" "incoming RPC" 129 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ExitVehicle" "incoming RPC" 154 &0 0
netPatch[] = "UpdateScoresPingsIPs" "incoming RPC" 155 &0 0
netPatch[] = "EnterVehicle" "outcoming RPC" 26 &0 0
netPatch[] = "EnterEditObject" "outcoming RPC" 27 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SCMEvent" "outcoming RPC" 96 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Chat" "outcoming RPC" 101 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SrvNetStats" "outcoming RPC" 102 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ClientCheck" "outcoming RPC" 103 &0 0
netPatch[] = "DamageVehicle" "outcoming RPC" 106 &0 0
netPatch[] = "EditAttachedObject" "outcoming RPC" 116 &0 0
netPatch[] = "EditObject" "outcoming RPC" 117 &0 0
netPatch[] = "RequestClass" "outcoming RPC" 128 &0 0
netPatch[] = "RequestSpawn" "outcoming RPC" 129 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ExitVehicle" "outcoming RPC" 154 &0 0
netPatch[] = "UpdateScoresPingsIPs" "outcoming RPC" 155 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ClickPlayer" "outcoming RPC" 23 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ClientJoin" "outcoming RPC" 25 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ScriptCash" "outcoming RPC" 31 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ServerCommand" "outcoming RPC" 50 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Spawn" "outcoming RPC" 52 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Death" "outcoming RPC" 53 &0 0
netPatch[] = "NPCJoin" "outcoming RPC" 54 &0 0
netPatch[] = "DialogResponse" "outcoming RPC" 62 &0 0
netPatch[] = "ClickTextDraw" "outcoming RPC" 83 &0 0
netPatch[] = "GiveTakeDamage" "outcoming RPC" 115 &0 0
netPatch[] = "SetInteriorId" "outcoming RPC" 118 &0 0
netPatch[] = "MapMarker" "outcoming RPC" 119 &0 0
netPatch[] = "PickedUpPickup" "outcoming RPC" 131 &0 0
netPatch[] = "MenuSelect" "outcoming RPC" 132 &0 0
netPatch[] = "VehicleDestroyed" "outcoming RPC" 136 &0 0
netPatch[] = "MenuQuit" "outcoming RPC" 140 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Connection accepted" "incoming packet" 34 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Connection attempt failed" "incoming packet" 29 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Invalid password" "incoming packet" 37 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Connection lost" "incoming packet" 33 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Connection closed" "incoming packet" 32 &0 0
netPatch[] = "No free connections" "incoming packet" 31 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Connection banned" "incoming packet" 36 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Markers data" "incoming packet" 208 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Player data" "incoming packet" 207 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Vehicle data" "incoming packet" 200 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Passenger data" "incoming packet" 211 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Unoccupied data" "incoming packet" 209 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Trailer data" "incoming packet" 210 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Aim data" "incoming packet" 203 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Bullet data" "incoming packet" 206 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Authentication" "incoming packet" 12 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Spectating data" "outcoming packet" 212 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Weapon data" "outcoming packet" 217 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Stats data" "outcoming packet" 218 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Player data" "outcoming packet" 207 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Vehicle data" "outcoming packet" 200 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Passenger data" "outcoming packet" 211 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Unoccupied data" "outcoming packet" 209 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Trailer data" "outcoming packet" 210 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Aim data" "outcoming packet" 203 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Bullet data" "outcoming packet" 206 &0 0
netPatch[] = "Authentication" "outcoming packet" 12 &0 0
Soo, Someone can share here the NOPs pack for SAMP 0.3.7 ?
Thanks Bros :urtheman: