Rules regarding the GTA:SA Modding Section.

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Wtf I'm not new....
Staff member
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Since the GTA:SA Modding Section opended it was just a mess, we didn't really thought it was necesarry (or atleast i).

But since it gets kinda used i've did a bit refactoring and with the new order there are new rules to keep it clean in there.

Following things apply to the GTA:SA Modding Section:
The Release Board has 2 Child Boards, please post in the right one the Models section can bascially contain everything from "IMG" mods to "Models".

If you gonna post any Tutorial you need to attach the "[TUT]" before the title, otherwise it will be renamed (only if you're not known as trouble maker) otherwise it will be deleted and warned.
The same applies for the Questions Board, use "[REQUEST]" if you want to ask for some mod or you use "[SEARCH]" if you know that mod exists and you wan't to find it.
As always, the normal rules are applied also.
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