Can someone tell my this isn't working?
when i do /test i get something like this:
number: 0
name: Ravenous
So the number doesn't get stored i don't know why.
Here is an actual chatline:
Name: {CECECE}Ravenous{FFFFFF} | Number: {CECECE}6969
0000: NOP
wait 50
until 0AFA: is_samp_structures_available
0B34: samp register_client_command "chl" to_label @activated_76764
0B34: samp register_client_command "test" to_label @activated_76765
While true
wait 0
0ac8: 1@ = 260
SAMP.GetChatString(99, 1@, 2@, 3@, 4@)
0AD4: 28@ = scan_string 1@ format "Name: {CECECE}%s{FFFFFF} | Number: {CECECE}%d" 8@v 6@
free 1@
chatmsg "chatline: %s" -1 1@
chatmsg "number: %d" -1 6@
chatmsg "name: %s" -1 8@v
when i do /test i get something like this:
number: 0
name: Ravenous
So the number doesn't get stored i don't know why.
Here is an actual chatline:
Name: {CECECE}Ravenous{FFFFFF} | Number: {CECECE}6969