Hello Ug-Base, Does anyone know how when a marker appears on my radar to stay there even though let's say the object disappears so that the marker stands in the same place more accurately so it doesn't disappear if the object disappears
Here's the code
Here's the code
06AC: 21@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR movement_speed
if 0021: 21@ > 50.0
21@ = 50.0
006B: 21@ *= 21@
17@ = -0.514
0017: 17@ /= 2500.0
006B: 17@ *= 21@
000B: 17@ += 0.7
0B60: convert_game_screen_coords 86.0 383.0 to_window_screen_coords 6@ 7@
0AB1: @POSITION_TO_RADAR 7 XYZ 0@ 1@ 2@ RADAR_POS 6@ 7@ DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER 17@ MAX_DISTANCE 130.0 _STORE_TO 0@ 1@ // Pozicija radara Ispod je vise
0B70: draw_polygon_pos 0@ 1@ size 20 20 corners 50 rotation 0 color 3@ // Podesavanja za radar od Fr0z3na
0AB2: ret 0