i've tried vb about a month ago... i gived up at the first day... it's just too simple, basic, noobish, too damn high level, the code by itself is nearly impossible to modificate, it looks too static, and that makes impossible to create alot of stuff.
and it's hard as fuck to debug it latter...
but, if you never managed any other programming language, this might be interesting to you.
(if is possible to recognize vb as a prog lang... anyway.. oh.. whatever..).
btw, for visual basic(programming language), you gonna need visual basic(application to manage and compile).

if you're going to create things with interface(visually close to vb), i advice you to go straight to C#, it might be a little bit hard at start, but as you learn, you'll be abled to expand and stay on this programming language, because is possible to do alot of stuff that is impossible to do with vb, and also when you get at some level at vb, you'll try to expand your possibilities, and then you'll probably go to C# anyway, and then you'll see that the time you spent on vb were just useless.
So.. give a shot, try C#, it has a great combination with the best things of vb and it has a logic way in it's code that looks alot like C++. unfortunately, with C# you can't go as far as C++ can(example: directly code in assembly), anyway, that's up to you, this was just an advice.