i have this for plane
How i can change key press?? ( defaul is H ) how change to simple A S Z or something??
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
thread 'RAB'
wait 0
Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #HYDRA)
jf @RAB_477
0@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
if and
00E1: player 0 pressed_key 18
not Car.Wrecked(0@)
jf @RAB_268
6@ == 0
jf @RAB_268
066B: 1@ = attach_particle "AFTERBURNER" to_car 0@ with_offset 1.19 -6.92 0.58 type 1
066B: 2@ = attach_particle "AFTERBURNER" to_car 0@ with_offset -1.19 -6.92 0.58 type 1
064C: make_particle 1@ visible
064C: make_particle 2@ visible
066B: 3@ = attach_particle "AFTERBURNER" to_car 0@ with_offset 1.19 -6.92 0.58 type 1
066B: 4@ = attach_particle "AFTERBURNER" to_car 0@ with_offset -1.19 -6.92 0.58 type 1
064C: make_particle 3@ visible
064C: make_particle 4@ visible
6@ = 1
goto @RAB_268
02E3: 7@ = car 0@ speed
7@ *= 1.2
if and
32@ > 850
7@ > 200.0
jf @RAB_322
32@ = 0
if or
00E1: player 0 pressed_key 15
80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 18
jf @RAB_394
0@ = 0
0650: destroy_particle 1@(0@,5i)
0@ += 1
0@ > 4
jf @RAB_357
6@ = 0
not 6@ == 0
jf @RAB_477
6@ == 1
jf @RAB_440
7@ += 1.0
091F: get_plane 0@ landing_gear_status_to 11@
11@ == 1.0
jf @RAB_477
Car.SetSpeedInstantly(0@, 7@)
goto @RAB_11
How i can change key press?? ( defaul is H ) how change to simple A S Z or something??