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    Wrong, SA:MP actually in some cases kills the player at under 0.0f HP, a good cutoff point would be ~-0.5f HP
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    CLEO Help VSCode Next time, try researching about the topic before criticizing.
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    [C++] DISABLE CHAT with rpm/wpm

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    u wan sum fuc?

    u wan sum fuc?
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    CPP RELEASE [ASI] D3D Model Logger

    That seems like it's implying ownership to me.
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    biggest forum of them all

    biggest forum of them all
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    CLEO Help draw_texture

    You are probably calling this in a loop, loading the texture in memory every drawing frame, as you can probably think this is bad, pretty bad, this is going to quickly fill memory up with copies of the texture.
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    [B1G] Showroom of RAINBOW MODS! this is very bigge mod
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    he is an idiot xd
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    Do your own SA:MP command's.

    Believe it or not, SAMP doesnt actually contain an unknown command string by default, if you load up a default gamemode downloaded from, and type a random invalid command, you wont get any text back. To actually change the unknown command text you would have to hook the chat message...
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    shanker with the perfect tutorials, dont tell em dude, sampcac proof cheats gonna be poppin' up like crazy now
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    Told you, even if you give him full sauce he wont know how to use it.
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    Fake damage
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    I already told him to try learning something like C# / Java first, to get basic understanding atleast, but nah, who would listen
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    W2S Laggy

    Hello! I know, I ask a ton of questions and post nothing  :sadpepe: , i'll try to change that. Anyways, I have made some Present hook custom D3D Nametags, ofcourse to bypass the current version of the SAMPCAC anti-cheat. I got W2S working and my nametags how I wanted them to look, but they lag...
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    ImGui problem

    You probably put your funcs in the while true loop that was made for the gui, because that gets deactivated when the menu is closed, search for another while loop
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    Rainbow C++

    English only // Doar Engleza.
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    lua sa-mp draw line

    Make a while loop and put wait(0) at the top so it draws constantly.
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    lua sa-mp draw line

    Wait, ill pull this out of my old LUA cheat.
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    GenerateShader ignoring given Alpha

    Yup, thats what I mean. @user88 [hr] Bring Up My Post
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    GenerateShader ignoring given Alpha

    I forgot to update, I got transparency working by using "Device->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE);", but I now cant see anything behind the transparency, for example any cars behind the ped disappear. @supahdupahnubah
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    GenerateShader ignoring given Alpha

    Hello. I have another problem in my adventure to creating Chams. So, I want to make the chams using shaders, but I want to make them a bit transparent, so I can still see the original actor texture behind the drawn chams. Here is my GenerateShader function (pretty much pasted from mod_sa)...
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    Chams Issue

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    Chams Issue

    By whole hook you mean even the GetAddress of DrawIndexedPrimitives? Or just the Hooked func?
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    Chams Issue

    So, managed to fix the last "issue" I had. Now I really have an issue, a pretty big one... I managed to get DIP (Draw Indexed Primitive) hooked in an .asi project, ofcourse to make chams, the remaining problem is that while I can change the D3DRS_ZENABLE to FALSE and the changes occur in-game...
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    [Snippet] Distance Between Two Points

    I guess this should show you how the calculations actually work, instead of just being like "hey it works idc". It is also useful for translating to other programming languages.
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    [Snippet] Distance Between Two Points

    Very useful thanks for sharing what you used to convert it to C++ citar fals csf
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    Getting 3D Vector from 3D XYZ Coords

    So I want to copy pasterino s0b functions but they use 3D Vectors, so I want b1g copy pasterino function to convert XYZ to 3D Vectors thx [hr] @monday shanker said to do this thx
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    C++ Rainbow Color

    Or just copy this into your main: class Color { public: Color() { SetColor(0, 0, 0, 255); } Color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { SetColor(r, g, b, 255); } Color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) { SetColor(r, g, b, a); } void SetColor(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t...
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    CLEO Help HUD Color addresses?

    Ye lmao
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    CLEO Help HUD Color addresses?

    What are the HUD color addresses for stuff like the radar disc or radar blips?
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    Marker coordinates memory addresses?

    What are the memory addresses for the marker a player can place on the map? (I know big codenz)
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    CLEO Help Auto Guard Cleo

    Did you even test his code tho? It didnt work...
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    CLEO Help Auto Guard Cleo

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP :PEPE_1 wait 0 if key_down 66 jf @PEPE_1 if samp.ChatInputOpened() then    jf @PEPE_1    else    if        0AD2: 0@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR targeted_actor    then        0B2B: samp 1@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle 0@ //gets the id of the player we are aiming.    ...
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    Help implementing ImGui in ASI

    So, I am back with another question. Recently (really like 2 months ago) I started making an internal cheat in moonloader with LUA, now I would like to convert it to C++ so it has more flexibility, if anyone could explain how I can use imgui in an ASI file then I would be thankful.
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    LUA Aimbot

    Funny joke.  :areyoukiddingme:
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    LUA Aimbot

    Hello there! I am currently making some sort of LUA Multihack using Moonloader and ImGUI. I have got wallhack and other types of cheats working but aimbot is really giving me issues. If anyone could give me the source of a LUA Aimbot I would be grateful
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    CLEO Help Remove C-Bug text

    Acuma mane, st un pic ca iti trimit
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    CLEO Help Remove C-Bug text

    Logic ca am facut sa copie numai textul lol... strpbrk + strchr si done am luat textu :))) Daca faci post ma sparge, si daca iau ban ca scot un text ma las de b-zone Ce sursa?
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    CLEO Help Remove C-Bug text

    Se vede in poza numele :))))), ejti bon ma baiete. Apropo, copy-chatul tau care il dai cu 600k l-am facut si eu in seara de revelion, ca nu am avut csf, numa textdraw-uri n-are ca mi se par inutile, daca nu ma crezi intreaba-l pe Ceausescu, ala care l-am batut cu copy-chat si a zis ca mi-ai dat...
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    CLEO Help Remove C-Bug text

    Well, it was your problem that I was noping A MESSAGE, sooo ye. Anyways... Now, lets stop this.
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    CLEO Help Remove C-Bug text

    Says the guy that released a copy-chat script that he made with the help of UGBase for 600k$ in-game and then said that it's legal unless you get caught with it lul But we should stop this flaming, seriously.
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    CLEO Help Remove C-Bug text

    A game func that if blocked doesnt offer me any advantage... also, enough smart, pEnglish
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    CLEO Help Remove C-Bug text

    @springfield, @monday
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    CLEO Help Remove C-Bug text

    The detection part seems to work fine because it crashes when I should get the message, now the deletion part is the problem  :sadpepe:
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    CLEO Help Remove C-Bug text

    @monday @springfield
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    CLEO Help Remove C-Bug text

    ~y~C-Bug este ~r~interzis~y~!
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    CLEO Help Remove C-Bug text

    Anyone have an idea on how to remove this? It's not a textdraw, because when I scan all the textdraws on screen I dont find it
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    CLEO Help [HELP] Detecting new chat line

    It ended up actually working... Thanks! Liked!
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    CLEO Help [HELP] Detecting new chat line

    So, I had this problem like a month ago or smth, now I managed to find this code, but still cant figure out how to check if it contains "SMS from" so It knows to autoreply Here is my code: {$CLEO .cs} {$INCLUDE SF} 0000: repeat wait 0 until 0AFA:  is_samp_available 0BE3: raknet...
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    CLEO Help Get player nickname from ID.

    Thanks!  :)
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    CLEO Help Get player nickname from ID.

    Im trying to make a fake ban script, the use of it would be "/fakeban {banner} {id} {reason}" but I cant seem to get the player name from the id, as the output needs to be "Ban: {name from id} has been permanent banned by {banner}, reason {reason}."
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    CLEO Help Help reading chat lines in-game.

    It doesnt seem to do anything :/
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    CLEO Help Help reading chat lines in-game.

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: while true wait 0 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AB1: call @getChatEntryText 1 id 99 to 0@ if 0AD4: 30@ = scan_string 0@ format "the phone number is %d" 5@ then 0AF8: "%d" -1 5@ end 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 0@ end :getChatEntryText 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" 1@ +=...
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    CLEO Help Help reading chat lines in-game.

    I have been trying this for like 2 hours now. I dont care if it is in CLEO or SAMPFUNCS C++, I just want a working example, please. I want to read the chat using a script and then auto-respond with a text.