CLEO Help [HELP] InvisibleX by Gigant

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Jun 19, 2017
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Hello there  :ugbase: users.

i have quest. for specially developers bcs i think normal player cant solve this.

When i want to throw cars with super gun i sobeit, ofc i use bemod_invislist=true, and when i try this invis (//invis) everyone in stream just stop moving and that stuff, and when i turn off (//invisoff) everyone just teleport to place where they are, its hard to explain, but read carefully. I think thats bcs this invis is changing my sync or smh and i ofc turn on forced sync in beclipse v7 by Gigant, but whats i explained is happening... 

Thx everyone.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2017
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Mirkovic said:
Hello there  :ugbase: users.

i have quest. for specially developers bcs i think normal player cant solve this.

When i want to throw cars with super gun i sobeit, ofc i use bemod_invislist=true, and when i try this invis (//invis) everyone in stream just stop moving and that stuff, and when i turn off (//invisoff) everyone just teleport to place where they are, its hard to explain, but read carefully. I think thats bcs this invis is changing my sync or smh and i ofc turn on forced sync in beclipse v7 by Gigant, but whats i explained is happening... 

Thx everyone.

a zasto koristis bemod_invisible list ? to di je da te drugi korisnici blue eclipse-a ne vide da koristis to smo stavili jer neki admini isto koriste taj mod pa banuju one koji ga koriste... i to brt invisibleX ne radi kad si u autu nego samo dok si on_foot "na nogama" trenutno nema mod da budes invisible dok si u autu al mozes kiristiti silent invisible ili invisible for kill u blue eclipse modu da budes invisible dok si on foot i da u isto vreme koristis super gun ili da pucas bez da drugi stanu ili ti zakoce i sync type force ti je za on foot i za in car al ako nekad ne radi jednostavno stisnes shift + 0 da opet ucitas podesavanja moda tako da invisiblex mozes koristiti samo da budes nevidljiv ali nemozes pucati odnosno davati damage drugim igracima ili biti invisible u autu. Sretna nova


Jun 19, 2017
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_=Gigant=_ said:
Mirkovic said:
Hello there  :ugbase: users.

i have quest. for specially developers bcs i think normal player cant solve this.

When i want to throw cars with super gun i sobeit, ofc i use bemod_invislist=true, and when i try this invis (//invis) everyone in stream just stop moving and that stuff, and when i turn off (//invisoff) everyone just teleport to place where they are, its hard to explain, but read carefully. I think thats bcs this invis is changing my sync or smh and i ofc turn on forced sync in beclipse v7 by Gigant, but whats i explained is happening... 

Thx everyone.

a zasto koristis bemod_invisible list ? to di je da te drugi korisnici blue eclipse-a ne vide da koristis to smo stavili jer neki admini isto koriste taj mod pa banuju one koji ga koriste... i to brt invisibleX ne radi kad si u autu nego samo dok si on_foot "na nogama" trenutno nema mod da budes invisible dok si u autu al mozes kiristiti silent invisible ili invisible for kill u blue eclipse modu da budes invisible dok si on foot i da u isto vreme koristis super gun ili da pucas bez da drugi stanu ili ti zakoce i sync type force ti je za on foot i za in car al ako nekad ne radi jednostavno stisnes shift + 0 da opet ucitas podesavanja moda tako da invisiblex mozes koristiti samo da budes nevidljiv ali nemozes pucati odnosno davati damage drugim igracima ili biti invisible u autu. Sretna nova

Znam, nije vezano nikako sa tim, sada ce biti jebacine ::D Srecna takodje !


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May 10, 2016
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Mirkovic said:
MickeyMouse said:
de zajebte to ba batalite igrice sad xD , de imal ko Auto datu prevedenu?
neku noviju ?


@MickeyMouse Koju?

ma noviju neku ako ima posto radim novija vozila samo , pa mi treba cisto kod kuce kad dodjem s posla da prelistam malo itd kako se koji zupči, gdje su neke komponente itd

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