- Joined
- Jun 23, 2014
- Messages
- 1,127
- Solutions
- 1
- Reaction score
- 158
/trollinfo - (displays all the commands)
/pos - (save position)
/dpos - (delete last saved position)
/r2 - (set rain over your last saved position - occupied vehicles only)
/r2 <driverID> - (throw a single raindrop)
/fw (set fireworks over your last saved position - occupied vehicles only)
/fw <driverID> - (throws a specific player upwards)
/ccars - (counts occupied vehicles in the area)
/hp <driverID> <carhp> - (set hp of a specific car around you)
/hpu <carID> <carhp> - (set hp of a specific unoccupied car around you)
/tp <driverID> to <playerID> - (teleport a driver to streamed in player)
/tp <driverID> to <placename> - [mc - Mount Chillad][tw - LS Tower][pd - Police Department]
/sm <driverID> <playerID> - (smashes the driver into another player)
/showid - (shows IDs of the streamed players)
/showcarid - (shows IDs and health of the streamed vehicles)
/s1 <Name_Surname> - (Player indicator) [from /s1 to /s9]
blue - in car
white - on foot
grey - streamed out
black - offline
/sswitch - (hides/shows the current searches)
/lag - (teleports all the unoccupied vehicles from the surrounding area to one places, syncs them, then teleports them a bit higher without syncing, everyone is lagging hard except you)[you might lag a bit though]
/col - (you can ram a tank with a faggio)
/fwh - (same as /fw but throws the car higher without changing its hp)
/bm <playerID> - (teleports 4 random unoccupied vehicles 100 meters over a specified player and explodes them, it's not perfect)
/reu - (respawns unoccupied vehicles by setting their health to 0)
/tpall to <playerID> - (teleport all the cars to streamed in player)
/tpall to <placename> - [pos - last saved position][mc - Mount Chillad][tw - LS Tower][pd - Police Department]
/hpall <HPvalue> - set hp of all occupied cars
/thr <driverID> - throws a player to the north
/small <driverID> - continuously smashes all the players and cars using specified driver (press 0 to stop)
/smallc <driverID> - continuously smashes all the occupied cars using specified driver (press 0 to stop)
12/10/14 - fixed crashes
30/10/14 - added /lag, /fwh and /col commands
29/12/14 - added /bm <playerID> command
29/12/14, 21:10 - added /reu command
16/01/15 - added /tpall, /hpall, /thr, /small, /smallc
-on some servers you may get "server has closed connection" (I tested it only on IMRP and NEF stunt/dm server)
-/showcarid potentially may be malfunctioning (works well to me but someone reported the issue, you might use /dl insead to get the veh's ID)
-cars teleported by /bm <playerID> command may not fall down on servers where vehicle movement is disabled when there is no players around (for example on NEF server it worked properly while on "LS Cops and Robbers" the cars were stopped in the air)
-using other commands while being in no-collision mode (/col) causes warnings
Tested with
-Cleo 4.1
-Samp Functions 5.1
-MG Functions impossible 4.3
-SA-MP 0.3z R1. Key functions which include car sync don't work with 0.3.7(
Additional info
-To delete the player you're currently searching (/s1 name) use /s1 without typing any name. There is no number of the search displayed so sometimes it might be problematic to remember which /s is the specific name.
-"/r2" command ejects you for a moment from your vehicle (it's not visible to you because of the camera move but it potentially might be visible to others)
-"/showcarid" is currently limited to 1000 IDs max; /showid is limited to 300 IDs max
-"/tp <driverID> to pd" probably works only on IMRP where Police Department has an underground garage
-Setting someone's car hp to 0 will probably destroy the car + respawn it quickly, if you'd like to just stop the car and destroy the engine then around 34hp is the right number
-the idea of /bm <playerID> where vehicles fall in order to explode has been niggered from "NGRP Sadler Bomber" by Howl
Little mod useful when someone is using trolls on your car. It protects from teleport and sets the hp to 100 repeatedly so you have time to troll him back. It's not effective against rapidfire/rpg.
Tested with
-Cleo 4.1
-Samp Functions 5.1
-MG Functions impossible 4.3
-SA-MP 0.3z R1
objectFinder 1.3++
Each colour/search is limited to 1000 objects. Togging/resetting the searches may prevent potential crashes if they occur when you TP or enter interior. It's possible to search for range of object models as well as single ones.
Tested with:
-Cleo 4.1
-Sampfuncs 5.3.1
-SA-MP 0.3.7
19/01/2015 - V1.1 added markers on the map using snippet "3d coords to 2d radar" by Opcodexe, the closest objects of each type are blinking red
23/01/2015 - V1.1+ added radar zoom-out compensation for more accurate markers position on the radar when the player is moving
01/02/2015 - V1.2 pickups and single player objects are now findable, /objectid command shows their model ID too
09/09/2016 - V1.3 samp 0.3.7 compability, adjustable size/position/font type of the text, search for range of object models
10/09/2016 - V1.3+ object limit is changed from 15 to 1000, added /oshowid and /oalign commands, fixed few minor bugs
12/09/2016 - V1.3++ change range limit from 300 to 1500 units (it's there because field of view check was acting strange at high distances, 1500 is probably more than the objects streaming range on 99% of servers...)
objectFinder Christmas edition
Tested with:
-Cleo 4.1
-Sampfuncs 4.0
-MG functions 4.3
-SA-MP 0.3z R1 (it won't work with 0.3.7 or later samp versions)
1. Put all the 3 files from "CLEO" folder in your GtaSA/cleo folder
2. Put xmas.txd from "txd" folder in your GtaSA/models/txd folder
3. Optionally put "showobjectid.cs" in your GtaSa/cleo folder
Download:(too big to use default attachments)
Additional info:
-To turn off the auto-music open the oSettings.ini and change "1" into "0"
-Download includes 13 songs in mp3 format, that's the reason why the size is so big
-You can replace the songs (cleo/music/oFinder_audio/) with any mp3 files you want (you must rename them to 1-13 + there can't be more than 13 songs)
-Arrows show direction to the closest object of each type
-/xm command cousing crash while being in car
/trollinfo - (displays all the commands)
/pos - (save position)
/dpos - (delete last saved position)
/r2 - (set rain over your last saved position - occupied vehicles only)
/r2 <driverID> - (throw a single raindrop)
/fw (set fireworks over your last saved position - occupied vehicles only)
/fw <driverID> - (throws a specific player upwards)
/ccars - (counts occupied vehicles in the area)
/hp <driverID> <carhp> - (set hp of a specific car around you)
/hpu <carID> <carhp> - (set hp of a specific unoccupied car around you)
/tp <driverID> to <playerID> - (teleport a driver to streamed in player)
/tp <driverID> to <placename> - [mc - Mount Chillad][tw - LS Tower][pd - Police Department]
/sm <driverID> <playerID> - (smashes the driver into another player)
/showid - (shows IDs of the streamed players)
/showcarid - (shows IDs and health of the streamed vehicles)
/s1 <Name_Surname> - (Player indicator) [from /s1 to /s9]
blue - in car
white - on foot
grey - streamed out
black - offline
/sswitch - (hides/shows the current searches)
/lag - (teleports all the unoccupied vehicles from the surrounding area to one places, syncs them, then teleports them a bit higher without syncing, everyone is lagging hard except you)[you might lag a bit though]
/col - (you can ram a tank with a faggio)
/fwh - (same as /fw but throws the car higher without changing its hp)
/bm <playerID> - (teleports 4 random unoccupied vehicles 100 meters over a specified player and explodes them, it's not perfect)
/reu - (respawns unoccupied vehicles by setting their health to 0)
/tpall to <playerID> - (teleport all the cars to streamed in player)
/tpall to <placename> - [pos - last saved position][mc - Mount Chillad][tw - LS Tower][pd - Police Department]
/hpall <HPvalue> - set hp of all occupied cars
/thr <driverID> - throws a player to the north
/small <driverID> - continuously smashes all the players and cars using specified driver (press 0 to stop)
/smallc <driverID> - continuously smashes all the occupied cars using specified driver (press 0 to stop)
12/10/14 - fixed crashes
30/10/14 - added /lag, /fwh and /col commands
29/12/14 - added /bm <playerID> command
29/12/14, 21:10 - added /reu command
16/01/15 - added /tpall, /hpall, /thr, /small, /smallc
-on some servers you may get "server has closed connection" (I tested it only on IMRP and NEF stunt/dm server)
-/showcarid potentially may be malfunctioning (works well to me but someone reported the issue, you might use /dl insead to get the veh's ID)
-cars teleported by /bm <playerID> command may not fall down on servers where vehicle movement is disabled when there is no players around (for example on NEF server it worked properly while on "LS Cops and Robbers" the cars were stopped in the air)
-using other commands while being in no-collision mode (/col) causes warnings
Tested with
-Cleo 4.1
-Samp Functions 5.1
-MG Functions impossible 4.3
-SA-MP 0.3z R1. Key functions which include car sync don't work with 0.3.7(
Additional info
-To delete the player you're currently searching (/s1 name) use /s1 without typing any name. There is no number of the search displayed so sometimes it might be problematic to remember which /s is the specific name.
-"/r2" command ejects you for a moment from your vehicle (it's not visible to you because of the camera move but it potentially might be visible to others)
-"/showcarid" is currently limited to 1000 IDs max; /showid is limited to 300 IDs max
-"/tp <driverID> to pd" probably works only on IMRP where Police Department has an underground garage
-Setting someone's car hp to 0 will probably destroy the car + respawn it quickly, if you'd like to just stop the car and destroy the engine then around 34hp is the right number
-the idea of /bm <playerID> where vehicles fall in order to explode has been niggered from "NGRP Sadler Bomber" by Howl
Little mod useful when someone is using trolls on your car. It protects from teleport and sets the hp to 100 repeatedly so you have time to troll him back. It's not effective against rapidfire/rpg.
Tested with
-Cleo 4.1
-Samp Functions 5.1
-MG Functions impossible 4.3
-SA-MP 0.3z R1
objectFinder 1.3++
Each colour/search is limited to 1000 objects. Togging/resetting the searches may prevent potential crashes if they occur when you TP or enter interior. It's possible to search for range of object models as well as single ones.
Tested with:
-Cleo 4.1
-Sampfuncs 5.3.1
-SA-MP 0.3.7

19/01/2015 - V1.1 added markers on the map using snippet "3d coords to 2d radar" by Opcodexe, the closest objects of each type are blinking red
23/01/2015 - V1.1+ added radar zoom-out compensation for more accurate markers position on the radar when the player is moving
01/02/2015 - V1.2 pickups and single player objects are now findable, /objectid command shows their model ID too
09/09/2016 - V1.3 samp 0.3.7 compability, adjustable size/position/font type of the text, search for range of object models
10/09/2016 - V1.3+ object limit is changed from 15 to 1000, added /oshowid and /oalign commands, fixed few minor bugs
12/09/2016 - V1.3++ change range limit from 300 to 1500 units (it's there because field of view check was acting strange at high distances, 1500 is probably more than the objects streaming range on 99% of servers...)
objectFinder Christmas edition
Tested with:
-Cleo 4.1
-Sampfuncs 4.0
-MG functions 4.3
-SA-MP 0.3z R1 (it won't work with 0.3.7 or later samp versions)
1. Put all the 3 files from "CLEO" folder in your GtaSA/cleo folder
2. Put xmas.txd from "txd" folder in your GtaSA/models/txd folder
3. Optionally put "showobjectid.cs" in your GtaSa/cleo folder

Download:(too big to use default attachments)
Additional info:
-To turn off the auto-music open the oSettings.ini and change "1" into "0"
-Download includes 13 songs in mp3 format, that's the reason why the size is so big
-You can replace the songs (cleo/music/oFinder_audio/) with any mp3 files you want (you must rename them to 1-13 + there can't be more than 13 songs)
-Arrows show direction to the closest object of each type
-/xm command cousing crash while being in car