Recent content by Z0DY

  1. Z


    Hello Ugbase, today i want release a Cleo which i maked ^^ It names FastCBuG and you need only Aim and the Script auto Shoot and Cbug for you ;) ;);) [CBuG] key=162 key2=51 wait=50 reload-Key=48 I maked it newbie-Friendly so everyone can change the key's and cause some user's have a Shit PC i...
  2. Z

    Checkpoint teleport

    Hello Boiizz, after the cool boii 0x688 send me the addresses for the checkpoint i make'd a simple checkpoint teleport for you^^ First press "on" on you keyboard then it show a Text which say "checkpoint teleport: on" then press the key 9 for teleport to the current checkpoint and when you press...
  3. Z

    Untagged Release GLANCE M0D 0.3.7 | Former "private" mod

    Currently there is no, but u can suggest it for the update ;)
  4. Z

    Help raknet rpc_chat

    thank you, i really appreciate it! :)
  5. Z

    Help raknet rpc_chat

    Hey ug-base members, could someone tell me the struct for the rcp_chat bitstream?
  6. Z

    Untagged Release GLANCE M0D 0.3.7 | Former "private" mod

    You have to find this "line_of_sight_dist =" and edit it to the range of your Server :)
  7. Z

    CLEO Help Compile this for me

    maybe fix the error? have fun and look what i changed c: // This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread "ANTICSAW" 0662: NOP "XZYTRO SAYS HI" 0662: NOP "FROM...
  8. Z

    [REQ] Reload Plugins (.cs, .asi, .cleo)

    i think so much people wants that but it's not easy to make, 0x688 started something like this but i dont know if it works now ^^
  9. Z

    0.3z SA:MP Patches

    you can paste this in s0beit.ini ^^
  10. Z

    S0beiti 0.4a update by StyleRxd 101% WORK

    No you should'nt take it as Joke cause i think you're really a friend from Stylerboiiii  :fuck_yea:
  11. Z

    CLEO Help Code bugs after decompile, how to fix?

    here is the code :) // This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by Seemann ( on 13.10.2007 {$VERSION 3.1.0027} {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'BMXSPRINT' 0662: NOP "XZYTRO SAYS HI" :MAIN wait 0 if and 047A:  actor...
  12. Z


    nop not wrong but they are in the Air and in another Virtual World so you wont see them ;)
  13. Z

    [2014] Trollbeit 0.3x R1

    :table_flip: when samp 0.4a is released ;D
  14. Z

    How to Put Codes like this!!

    this is for 0pi []code]this is for 0pi[/code] just remove the first "]" this sucks hard