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  1. S

    Help é possível converter essa Cleo para lua?

    pPlease, if you can convert it to .Lua I will be very grateful, this mod helps a lot to keep the orgs vehicles organized. Even if it takes 10 seconds for this to happen it helps a lot[forgive my bad English]
  2. S

    Help é possível converter essa Cleo para lua?

    I love this Cleo, I downloaded it here many years ago although, I wanted to convert it to Lua. It's easier to rename the file and hide it for possible screens from server administrators.
  3. S

    Help é possível converter essa Cleo para lua?

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPITA ESPERE 0 ATÉ 0AFA: SAMP_ESTÁ_PRONTO 0661: NOP "por OpcodeXe" 0661: NOP "" 0C6A: 33@ = criar_thread_personalizado_no_rótulo @ColorLoop 0B6D: 31@ CREATE_FONT "Arial" ALTURA 10 BANDEIRAS 0x5 0@ = FALSO 0B34: "rem" @rem //cor EMBORA VERDADEIRO...