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  1. bobesin


    I am very polite kid, thank you very much. I don't smoke no marijuanas and vapes, neither do I drink lean.
  2. bobesin


    Dope, thanks.
  3. bobesin

    Freestyle 2 Street Basketball

    Hey, I'm playing this game and I was wondering if anyone plays it here too. Oh yeah, if anyone has any cheats for it, that would be awesome xD the game is using xincode3 if anyone is familiar with it lol
  4. bobesin


    What's crackalackin?
  5. bobesin


    Hi. I don't know if you heard of this or not, but it's definitely useful in my book. *ahem* What does it do? Mod Loader is an ASI Plugin for GTA:SA that adds an extremely user-friendly and easy way to install and uninstall your modifications, without even messing around anything in your game...
  6. bobesin

    SoftEther VPN + VPNGate Client Plugin - Evade IP Ban

    RE: SoftEther VPN + VPNGate Client - Evade IP Ban Kudos for this guide, I'm sure a lot of people aren't familiar with it and are looking for good VPN softwares. Great job!
  7. bobesin

    CLEO Help Money HAck RP-Serve [HELP]

    Nope, buddy. All money you own in RP servers are server sided, which means you can't use money hacks to increase the money your character has. It may or may not show an increase of money on your screen, but server keeps track of how money you actually have.
  8. bobesin

    Modifications You Have Done to Your Phone

    I already did that and still nothing. The problem remains. On the Clean Master topic, I have that punk ass app installed and it looks like it's doing nothing.
  9. bobesin

    REAL MADRID vs. Atletico madrid

    Are you serious? Just 'cause I don't watch soccer that makes me less of a man? You need a reality check really bad. Those "man" standards in Italia (I assume you're Italian) are pure bullsh*t.
  10. bobesin

    Modifications You Have Done to Your Phone

    So how can I locate the thumbnails and delete them? Are they like pictures stored in some folder on my internal storage/sd card?
  11. bobesin

    Modifications You Have Done to Your Phone

    Uhmm guys while we're at it, seems like you know a thing or two about phones (androids). Alright so I have a Huawei Ascend G630, a 32gb sd card and I'm repeatedly getting "insufficient storage available" error. My default download is saved to "sd card", not "internal"...jeez. Any help?
  12. bobesin

    REAL MADRID vs. Atletico madrid

    Oh my god who cares :D
  13. bobesin

    Help SAMP Crashing (Open thread for more)

    My gta sa folder looks like this (2 parter-large folder) 1st part - 2nd part I can't seem to find the sampfunc crash logs, either that or I'm blind. Probably the blindness thing, but oh well.
  14. bobesin

    Help SAMP Crashing (Open thread for more)

    Hey! I'm literally blessed for your reply, thanks!! Where can I locate the other crash reports? I have modloader, and I have installed some palm tree mods, road textures and radar textures, others are just skins.
  15. bobesin

    Help SAMP Crashing (Open thread for more)

    Tru dat, but I've searched far and wide for all the mods I have atm and I don't wanna lose all that...
  16. bobesin

    Help SAMP Crashing (Open thread for more)

    I'll take that as a last resort. Thanks for the effort. Isn't here someone who knows how to read samp crash logs? I really don't want to redo all the things I did. Mods and everything...
  17. bobesin

    Help SAMP Crashing (Open thread for more)

    bump msg too short
  18. bobesin

    Help SAMP Crashing (Open thread for more)

    Again, it won't*t.  :sadpepe:
  19. bobesin

    Help SAMP Crashing (Open thread for more)

    I am using the latest sampfunc...
  20. bobesin

    Help SAMP Crashing (Open thread for more)

    Alright I'll try that. WIll give feedback. Thanks, buddy. [hr] Feedback: still crashing after death. This is the log: SA-MP 0.3.7 Exception At Address: 0x6614D1E4 Base: 0x049F0000 Registers: EAX: 0x0CF923C0 EBX: 0x039DA0CC ECX: 0x00000010 EDX: 0x0028F8EC ESI: 0x00000000 EDI: 0x0028F880 EBP...
  21. bobesin

    Help SAMP Crashing (Open thread for more)

    Hi my dudes. I have a very pesky problem. (Almost) everytime someone kills me, my SAMP immediately crashes. I have the latest Sampfunc and Cleo installed. Only hacks I use are: -Aimbot.cs -InfiniteRun.cs -run.cs (auto fast tap space bar when holding it) -SimpleCbug.cs -kcmds.cs -OP-HaX.cs...
  22. bobesin


    wat (message too short)
  23. bobesin

    GUYS...get a life. plz

    I am offended by this who made the thread.
  24. bobesin

    CLEO Release Silent aim v4.5 by 0pc0d3r

    It's all good but what if you have to kill multiple people? Or one person among other people in a crowd?
  25. bobesin

    Untagged Release [PRIVATE] Vehicle Path Recording RELEASE

    So umm I have a question. Is it possible for someone to modify this .cs to upgrade it so it has multiple recorded paths and you can choose between them ? :sweet_jesus:
  26. bobesin

    R.I.P Trollbeit (official mourning topic)

    Yeah, Opcode and the rest of the guys are all enjoying their private updated .cs and .asi files, while we mortals just fuck around with bottom hacks. :table_flip:
  27. bobesin

    R.I.P Trollbeit (official mourning topic)

    :surprised: :okey:
  28. bobesin

    R.I.P Trollbeit (official mourning topic)

    Am I supposed to be offended by that or ? Make up a good insult, then come back being a douche. You can't even act retarded.  :imoverit:
  29. bobesin

    R.I.P Trollbeit (official mourning topic)

    lol go tell daddy, dipshit.
  30. bobesin

    R.I.P Trollbeit (official mourning topic)

    Fellow trollers. We are gathered here today, as you are all aware, to pay our last tributes and respects to the memory of our departed project, Trollbeit. The passing of our beloved project as an individual is a matter more of interest and regret than usually associated with the passing away of...
  31. bobesin

    CLEO Release AutoCmdSenderv2.0 - UNLIMITED KEYBINDS!

    I need to poop.
  32. bobesin

    NGRP - Bear

    So I noticed you typed "for now" there is a slight chance for us to have fun for once at that stupid ass server. btw you're the man, dude :urtheman:
  33. bobesin

    fishing.cs for fishies

    C'mon, nobody ??
  34. bobesin

    fishing.cs for fishies

    BUMP YO !
  35. bobesin

    fishing.cs for fishies

    * Name of the mod: fishing.cs * Where you saw it: Kinda modded in my mind. * What do you want: I know there is already a topic about fish.cs where you type /fish and it automatically collect fishes. WHAT I NEED is it should automatically type /fish cmd EVERY 7 seconds. So basically when I...
  36. bobesin

    How do you do this ?

    I was using DYOM a while back for making missions, but I didn't see the cutscene animations options...that's crucial for me, I want THAT.
  37. bobesin

    How do you do this ?

    Good job smart man, but I asked how do you do it ? You have any idea ? Have you heard of San An Studios ? Maybe like that ?
  38. bobesin

    How do you do this ?

    C'mon people, do you really have NO idea how did they do that ?
  39. bobesin

    How do you do this ?

    Hi guys, umm, I stumbled upon a certain video that some guys made with IDK what, but they used cutscene animations to record it in game. Does someone have any idea how did they do this ? I'd like to make a video too like that. Please someone help me, I know this will be useful to many people...
  40. bobesin

    Lost all my cleo scripts

  41. bobesin

    Candy Crush Saga fix ?

    Howdy, I was wondering if any of you can code this again or simply fix it, I don't know how you do's not working, the only thing that's working is the free lives.
  42. bobesin

    How to roleplay on NGRP

    Actually regular arms dealer lvl 7, Grove Street Families r3...go get help bro.
  43. bobesin

    How to roleplay on NGRP

    That is the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen.
  44. bobesin

    Decrypt this

    This troll went on a whole another level...
  45. bobesin

    Fake ESC

    Shit man, this crashes my game...
  46. bobesin

    Decrypt this

    I have my ways...
  47. bobesin

    Decrypt this

    Are you fucking retarded ? When you decrypt it, it says "YOU'RE GAY."  :face_palm:
  48. bobesin

    Decrypt this

  49. bobesin

    Money farming ?

    Wow player haters...when you register, you automatically get 1m $ and a lvl 4...he's not lvl 1 or whatever so u can say that it's new...but idk :/
  50. bobesin

    Money farming ?

    Hello guys once again. I downloaded a program called Sandboxie and I want to money farm on my main character. I opened 2 instances of gta_sa.exe and when I come to my guy (he's tabbed), I can't give him money. When I do /pay, it says "You can't give this person money." What should I do ? Please...
  51. bobesin

    Freestyle Street Basketball 2 hax0r mby ?

    Hey guise, does anyone know how to script the no miss type of hack or something like that for this game here ?
  52. bobesin

    Untagged Release skinAimbot [Updated]

  53. bobesin

    SAMP crash log help

    Howdy ho guys, I don't know if I'm in the right place, but can someone tell me why does my SAMP crash after a while ? Here's the log. SA-MP 0.3z Exception At Address: 0x60D3D1E4 Base: 0x03AF0000 Registers: EAX: 0x0A1A3E00 EBX: 0x04E2802C ECX: 0x00000010 EDX: 0x0028FD1C ESI: 0x00000000 EDI...
  54. bobesin

    New to hacking, need help with NGRP.

    Claus nigga if u see this, pm me ur skype bro !!! pz :omg_run: :omg_run: :omg_run: :omg_run:
  55. bobesin

    CLEO Release Smart ESP Boxes bY M1ZG4RD

    :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad: :not_bad...
  56. bobesin

    WTF i made

    So what's the hack ? Can someone tell me what it does ?
  57. bobesin

    CLEO Release Poor Aim - (detected) but still works on some servers

    Re: Pı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨oor-Aiı̸̸̸̸̸mı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸ So what is changed here actually...?
  58. bobesin

    Untagged Release [UPDATED][TUTO] How To Unban On SAMP (NO VPN)

    not really working for me bro  :imoverit:
  59. bobesin

    NGRP Silent Aimbot For $$$

    lol dude go to opcode's channel on youtube and download an aimbot, I'm playing on NGRP and I'm kicking ass with it xD don't need to pay shit, just respect the creator and go do some mayhem. :urtheman:
  60. bobesin

    Untagged Release werner.exe [100% working]

    Cool thing with the surveys. Dumb fuck.
  61. bobesin

    [GAME] What Do You Listen To?

    [youtube:1m26ujf6][/youtube:1m26ujf6] [youtube:1m26ujf6][/youtube:1m26ujf6] [youtube:1m26ujf6][/youtube:1m26ujf6]...
  62. bobesin

    Facebook Marvel hack maybe..?

    Someone please ?
  63. bobesin

    Facebook Marvel hack maybe..?

    Howdy ! I was playing Facebook's Marvel Avengers recently, and I saw couple of guys hacked the sh*t out of their accounts (Command Points, Items, etc.), and I started my quest on the internet for finding a hack for Marvel, and everything I've found so far are survey downloads, malicious viruses...
  64. bobesin

    [Vid]Project s0nicTz Silent Aimbot and invisible :D

    I haz a queshtin. When you put yourself invisible, nobody can see you ? Even if someone has s0beit installed, and can see that green bar above players ? Also, a request (if possibru) :derp: :derp::derp: Can you make a vehicle invisible once you entered it ? Many thanx. wow. xD
  65. bobesin

    Trollbeit Public Re-opened

    Alright, sorry dude, but I'm checking this website for more than a month everyday just to see if you released your new's like I'm sitting on lava.
  66. bobesin

    Trollbeit Public Re-opened

    Oh will you just fucking release this Trollbeit for fucks sake ?!?!?!?!!??
  67. bobesin

    Opcode Where Are You :/

    Didn't you hear ?? The aliens abducted him..tragic. :cry: :cry::cry:
  68. bobesin

    Trollbeit Public Re-opened

    Alrighty 0x688, you REALLY know how to make your fans waiting, but please, at least tell us when will you release it ??? You don't have to be exact, just tell us something !!! WE NEED THIS ! ?
  69. bobesin

    Trollbeit Public Re-opened

    Dude, when are you gonna release it ???
  70. bobesin

    Trollbeit problem

    Anyone ??
  71. bobesin

    Trollbeit problem

    Hi, I have a problem with the Trollbeit. When someone kills me, instead of spawning again, my gtasa.exe crashes. How can I fix that ? I don't want to reinstall my GTA:SA, because I've seen that sa-mp took down trollbeit from the, any tips on how to fix this ? Tnx in advance ! :) :):)
  72. bobesin

    aimbot for high ping

    I want to know this too, is there an aimbot for that ?
  73. bobesin

    NG-RP Server Permanent ban-unban ?

    It says that my IP is permanently banned there...
  74. bobesin

    Untagged Release The NGRP Hack/Trick guide!

    This is a great post, I would totally use this if I would get unbanned from that server...I want to play there SO BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD ! Anyway, good job ! :D :D:D
  75. bobesin

    NG-RP Server Permanent ban-unban ?

    I tried everything (except the last one lol), and I wasn't successful :( :(:(
  76. bobesin

    NG-RP Server Permanent ban-unban ?

    /Bump please ! Just say something, is it impossible ??
  77. bobesin

    NG-RP Server Permanent ban-unban ?

    bumpity bump
  78. bobesin

    NG-RP Server Permanent ban-unban ?

    I tried changing my MAC address, and still, the ban is still there :'( thank you .silent for taking your time to answer to my thread. :) :):)
  79. bobesin

    NG-RP Server Permanent ban-unban ?

    Ok, I'm on it. Thank you emagel, but isn't there any other way to get unbanned ? Please help me :) :):)
  80. bobesin

    NG-RP Server Permanent ban-unban ?

    Not sure what that means bro, but I'm using Windows, not Mac :P :P:P Sorry for being noobish, I'm not that good when it comes to this stuff :) :):)
  81. bobesin

    CLEO Help Cleo Aimbot by Opcode.exe isn't working for me[Solved]

    Glad to help, now help mine, if you can, please. :) :):)
  82. bobesin

    CLEO Help Cleo Aimbot by Opcode.exe isn't working for me[Solved]

    Re: Cleo Aimbot by Opcode.exe won't works for me Uninstall CLEO 4, download Sanny Builder, install it, then install CLEO 4, and then install Opcode's' Aimbot.
  83. bobesin

    CLEO Help Cleo Aimbot by Opcode.exe isn't working for me[Solved]

    Re: Cleo Aimbot by Opcode.exe won't works for me Have you installed Sanny Builder on your computer ?
  84. bobesin

    NG-RP Server Permanent ban-unban ?

    Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to get UNBANNED from NG-RP, because I was hacking and they banned me permanently...for was a year ago, and to this very day, I'm thinking of ways to get back to the server. I tried using fake IP addresses, I tried calling my internet provider...
  85. bobesin


    Sorry for asking, but what are those ? :) :):)
  86. bobesin

    CLEO Release 1

    Dude, what's the password ??