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  1. M

    Might not be a game, but s it's a cool way to make money from internet.

    remove lazarosan420 , then enter the site
  2. M

    What should be the best directory to install the virus on?

    by hidden i mean system hidden, not just right click properties hidden :)
  3. M

    What should be the best directory to install the virus on?

    desktop and hidden lol
  4. M

    CLEO Help I think this is simple enough??

    i wonder why :o *then end* hmm
  5. M

    What features should i add to my virus?

    crypt everything on the harddisk, like cerber ransomware and ask for money in exchange of their data
  6. M

    Please help me here!

    reply after 1 month try lowsens values in .ini and max sens ingame like 500 550 700 full in-game
  7. M

    [ahk]turn static triggbot into dynamic

    you mean make a database with each colors,skins etc and loop check all of them while pixel changes? or make some kind of move detector, like when i move the mouse faster than 10 pixels/second the bot is idle and when is lower than 10 bot is active and is checking for the database above?
  8. M

    [ahk]turn static triggbot into dynamic

    hey i made a static ahk pixel triggerbot and it works well on any game,but i gotta stay still until enemy goes into my crosshair.. i want more.i wanna make it dynamic so i can move the mouse but still recognize when someone goes through it. any ideas? without memory read/write :)
  9. M

    s0beit macros.

    guess find its vk_xx number and change from .ini
  10. M

    CLEO Help how can i revert this shit scoreboard layout?

    fucking download portable gta sa 400mb.rar , no need to install
  11. M

    8 ways ugbase can be used as a weapon

    can i suicide you
  12. M

    How to move map objects with cleo ?

    its written in image, uif
  13. M

    CLEO Help lagshot calculations and how it works??

    no, it will still hit but after a long time if u have 5k ping(which is not and u shoot someone others will see you afk and/or teleporting while you shoot and suddenly the victim will get shot by your bullet once the server gets the info BUT victim's pingpoint won't change for...
  14. M

    CLEO Help It is possible?

    use detect textdraw snippet (find it on forum)
  15. M

    CLEO Help lagshot calculations and how it works??

    nah its individual your ping only matters for others and their ping only matters to you
  16. M

    CLEO Help lagshot calculations and how it works??

    there's a default sync, which applies first, and then it is slowly altered by player's ping, and somehow his fps Somehow because if u have higher fps, u have many advantages like sliding quickly,deagle cbug 7/7 0.5 seconds , aimpoint(which is based on ping) changing very fast = hard to hit...
  17. M

    #PS4 On sale

  18. M

    CLEO Help how to see text that is available for admins only?

    so , i play in a server where admins see something more than normal players in chat , like: who used an admin command , who started an event , etc Can i detect it?  :areyoukiddingme:
  19. M

    does a hard drive get heavier the more data it holds ?

    lol fck off...
  20. M

    does a hard drive get heavier the more data it holds ?

    good idea, ima call nasa
  21. M

    CLEO Release [CLEO] Indicator on Player [Killer won't run now] w/o SAMPFUNCS

    well before the player leaves stream range u could store that player's name or id and when that player is again in stream range the script will auto-put indicator on it
  22. M

    CLEO Help Help

    check ignore unknown or try a decryptor maybe..
  23. M

    CLEO Help Help

    oh so u're tryna create a mod which types a command that will activate another mod when a player is close to actor? could simply edit the wanted mod(your gmode) so that it autoenables when player is in range<20 lets say.This way you dont need a second mod to enable your first mod
  24. M

    CLEO Help Cruise Control

    thats not a mod, its server script , and that player is admin/owner but it can be done...
  25. M

    CLEO Help Help remove txt

    4.1 is better, dont use 4.3...i tried that too, cant delete the text ;c
  26. M

    CLEO Help 1button switch to chainsaw?

    yea there is a mod named weap switch or smth that switches to fist when spacebar is preseed u could edit the key and the weapon to switch to chainsaw when scroll is pressed
  27. M

    War system

    i think he was waiting for u to say " i'll have fries and... "that shit lalz
  28. M

    CLEO Release Auto KeyBind

    ffs just open the .cs with sanny builder and edit miliseconds
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    please don't forget the napkins
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    sauce only sryz
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    i like spaghatta
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    CLEO Help Anti Skin Aim

    search ghetto tawer v2.cs on goog
  33. M

    Please help me here!

    a/d sens aiming_sniper=0.002000 aiming=0.002500 global=0.005749 800 dpi, 5 bars in game
  34. M

    Am i allowed to litrally spam to get stars?

    xlr8 broo xlr8
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    Am i allowed to litrally spam to get stars?

  36. M

    the life and death of a lazy man

    dam..too much struggle for a shit game a while ago i also did something like this, but i realised it was totally useless and wasted a lot of time i created my own private stunts bot for a populated server with 500/500. i used it like almost 1 month then the owner realised what i was doing and he...
  37. M

    Really useful cleos!@#!@#

    if you divide 1 to 83628492992636282539,u may be able to understand why did you actually did this for no reason
  38. M

    Detection for aimbot

    try netlimiter,manually/auto set your speed to whateva u want like 5kb lol...
  39. M

    CLEO Help pulling out serverside bar

    for your hp bar upright corner - interface editor the one that appears above other players head - maybe /namestag?
  40. M

    Am i allowed to litrally spam to get stars?

    who knows
  41. M

    Am i allowed to litrally spam to get stars?

    well, yu no last year i got myself a scientist cloth(white and long),also i messed my hair so it looks like a mad scientist and i was jumping in public areas from nowhere , asking people what year is this,touching my face and body like i was dancing macarena,shouting "it worked!" also i had...
  42. M

    Am i allowed to litrally spam to get stars?

    hax adminz accounts get starzz666 unlimited cika bleat
  43. M

    CLEO Help Problem with INI reading

    dunno maybe check if player actor is defined? or if player actor can move?
  44. M

    CLEO Help Problem with INI reading

    instead of 0AF4: read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Autologin.ini" section "FirstServer" key "ServerName" store_to 4@ put 0AF4: 4@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\INI\Autologin.ini" section "FirstServer" key "ServerName" do this for all
  45. M

    CLEO Help Problem with INI reading

    try to check first if ini exists , then if true store content in var@ ^ do this before while true and then use strcmp your reading method is're trying to read,check if exists and store in var, all 3 at the same time.maybe thats why it doesnt work
  46. M

    CLEO Help Solved

    RE: Teleport to NAN(NOT A NUMBER)!! jesus... actually...hmm what if... this could be a new troll idea? teleport other players to nan? hmmhmmmhmhmmhmm
  47. M

    CLEO Help Verification hack

    get dialog string (text) and store only the numbers in a var then write it in dialog input box indeed there was a thread some time ago...just search for 'dialog' , 'dialog text' and such in the search box
  48. M

    CLEO Help car door status

    well if its locked then u cant drive it right? lol
  49. M

    [Help] PC pranking ideas

    u kno , u can play sounds using autohotkey ,without any media player showing up but guess that'd be too much,to silently install ahk then open your script from stick using ahk lol...
  50. M

    [Help] PC pranking ideas

    kan yu mek it play audio files? mhuhuheuehue...mhue just put a creepy horror movies song playing in background,then at the same time make the desktop image change random from black to white(like a blinking light bulb) and then play a loud scream sound and set the desktop image to some weird...
  51. M

    CLEO Help Solved

    RE: Teleport to NAN(NOT A NUMBER)!! yu mean like 6i or 2i? lol is this even possible
  52. M

    CLEO Help Solved

    RE: Teleport to NAN(NOT A NUMBER)!! kidnapped by aliens afaik every location that you call 'string' has coordinates x y z so...
  53. M

    I want some cleo ideas

  54. M

    CLEO Help Somebody?

  55. M

    I want some cleo ideas

    try make some kind of health hack checker using fake bullet data like...i write cmd /checkhh id , then mod sends only 1 bullet from the weakest weapon in-game to player id,so the player doesnt notice ,and if his health goes down a little bit,then send message "player is clean" else msg "player...
  56. M

    CLEO Help Need help

    put activation like if key pressed F1 then etc
  57. M

    ban evading dayz

    windows username
  58. M

    CLEO Help decompile .asi/.dll

    maybe not exactly like the source,but just good enough in order to know what it does
  59. M

    CLEO Help decompile .asi/.dll

    i heard its possible with ida pro and hexrays plugin anyone tried?works?
  60. M

    CLEO Release Roleplay Vision for Samp 0.3.7

    yep i used nv from s0beit,everyone in area had nv this is good to exploit when u have team war during night xD
  61. M

    CLEO Help Spec Information

    you mean spectate.cs? i don't wanna spectate someone else,i want to fake my position and look like i'm spectating someone,but in reality i'm not,so admins will see the player i'm "spectating" instead of me
  62. M

    CLEO Help This Unsyc vehicle spawner points to the north?

    try messing with the angles, 0 or 360 = north
  63. M

    CLEO Help Spec Information

    hey , maybe this is not possible right now but i have an idea for a different antispec mod how about...when admin specs you, he sees other player instead of you? xD that would be nice i'll try this hahah
  64. M

    CLEO Release Be fabulous,kill people and be invisible while you're at it!

    tip: if you put in ini Z=-9999 , when admin spec you he will see you AFK , not moving , while you still move,shoot etc xD
  65. M

    CLEO Help nvm

    del ayy lmao
  66. M

    CLEO Help Closed

    RE: Help with this code nope,same as above i wonder if there's any way to check the radar and see if a player's square dissapears...maybe this would be the solution? or an idea
  67. M

    CLEO Help Closed

    RE: Help with this code yeah but the big problem is that the spectator can(and will)change his camera position while spectating someone,thus this will never work,look i explain: if you are somewhere random on the map and there are many players around you(like in russian 1000/1000 servers) and...
  68. M

    [REQUEST] Auto Type /afk

    ~F2:: setbatchlines, -1 setkeydelay, -1 Loop {   FileGetSize, Size, PUT HERE CHATLOG LOCATION\chatlog.txt   If (Size > FileSize)   {       FileSize := Size       Loop       {           FileReadLine, Read, PUT HERE CHATLOG LOCATION\chatlog.txt, % A_Index + LineIndex           if...
  69. M

    CLEO Help Closed

    RE: Help with this code nice thanks for trying with that script i couldn't make it work either i belive there are private versions of this, but they won't be released anytime soon...maybe never
  70. M

    CLEO Help Teleport with Trailer

    holy sh
  71. M

    CLEO Help Sampfuncs

    asi loader
  72. M

    CLEO Help change player color

  73. M

    CLEO Help change player color

    i saw there's a mod that allow u to change other players' nick and skin (clientsided only). It's possible to change the color also?How?
  74. M

    CLEO Help looking for a mod, forgot name :{

    no , shot repeater only increases the damage given to enemy , but the mod i need causes the enemy to receive the same ammount of damage when he is shooting me
  75. M

    CLEO Help looking for a mod, forgot name :{

    nope still cant find it
  76. M

    CLEO Help looking for a mod, forgot name :{

    hay i saw a mod on ytb a while ago which,when a player shoots you,he loses the same ammount of hp as you do ex :he shoots u and deals 40 dmg,he also loses 40 hp cant find ittt
  77. M

    CLEO Help change activation from command to button

    no its ok, now i understand how to make it work i just can't test it now,gonna try tomorrow
  78. M

    CLEO Help change activation from command to button

    okk i got it i tried something like this but the result was a completely mess , when i activated the screen flickers flashes and crash lmao
  79. M

    CLEO Help change activation from command to button

    still cant do it lmao pls help
  80. M

    CLEO Help change activation from command to button

    hi i tried changing the activation command from mod FakeShot.cs to a button only, but it doesn't work after that. could someone change it for me? doesn't matter what button , but i want it on button not on command thanks
  81. M

    CLEO Help spec info?

    yes this is true but i only tried when both player and spectator camera are not moved after typing /spec, so it doesn't varies(in this case only) if i can get this particular case to work,then i'll think about camera movement too
  82. M

    CLEO Help spec info?

    eh i'll see , for now it's not really working only to check for ordinary streamed players, not spectating i'll leave this here maybe someone wanna try {$CLEO} 0000: :check 1@ = 0.0 2@ = 0.0 3@ = 0.0 4@ = 0.0 5@ = 0.0 6@ = 0.0 7@ = 0.0 wait 0 if and 056D:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR defined key_down...
  83. M

    CLEO Help spec info?

    i tested insta crash lol i changed it a little bit but..shit it's working backwards admin can tell when player is in range but player can't tell when admin is in range ayy lmao
  84. M

    CLEO Help spec info?

    @springfield 00EC:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 1812.369 -1929.922 radius 80.0 80.0 how to use that command? for now , i just want it to work only in the place from where i got the coords, just for my server . just for test. and i thought maybe  this will work? {$CLEO} 0000: 1@ =...
  85. M

    CLEO Help spec info?

    ok so i got the coords first i got my coords , me staying still in a random place near lvps my coords: x: 1958.6022 y: 2162.1301 z: 10.8203 angle: 271.3515 then i got the coords from spectator , me staying still in the same place spec coords: x: 1955.1075 y: 2162.0479 z: 31.5952 angle...
  86. M

    CLEO Help spec info?

    is that simple? lool ok i'll try
  87. M

    CLEO Release Hacking weapons in OG-RP (P:LA)

    quit rp , shit gamemode
  88. M

    Any bypass for this new AC?

    axaxaxa stupid ac
  89. M

    CLEO Help spec info?

    i know it's not anti spec, i said anti spec already exists but how shall i get the coords of spectator? by trial and error?  i'd try asking the server's owner for x y z, but i doubt he's so stupid to give them to me ))
  90. M

    CLEO Help Server sets me paused

    afkghost.cs - leave your body...
  91. M

    CLEO Help spec info?

    hey , can i make a cleo that tells me if someone(and maybe, who) is spectating me? i heard something like need to know the server's spectator's x y z? anti spec already exists(saw a piece of code somewhere on forum) and i thought maybe this is possible too
  92. M

    Any bypass for this new AC?

    inject .dll straight into gta sa
  93. M

    [c++] CreateVehicle & CreateObject (0.3.7)

    RE: [c++} CreateVehicle & CreateObject owww yess
  94. M

    Detection for aimbot

    if u use cleo aimbot,crypt cleo so they can't read it also rename the mod to something random, like snow_effect.cs then make a .bat file which deletes all mods and then deletes itself and when he asks for teamviewer, open .bat then use tv
  95. M

    Release Blue Eclipse Source Code

    its already on mediafire lmao no link sry
  96. M

    [request] smooth aimbot
