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  1. Forever18

    help me to fix this!

    what objectt ? is there any other way ?
  2. Forever18

    help me to fix this!

    so im having this problem crash after playing a while please look i really need to fix this   SA-MP 0.3.7 Exception At Address: 0x007F18CF Base: 0x056B0000 Registers: EAX: 0x00020000    EBX: 0x00000000    ECX: 0x00000178    EDX: 0x185AE838 ESI: 0x2036CF94    EDI...
  3. Forever18

    CLEO Help Crash log

    Im having this problem  amybe can someone tell me how to fix this ?
  4. Forever18

    SAMPFUNCS problem

    Bumb still finding answer it .
  5. Forever18

    SAMPFUNCS problem

    now , i already use the samp 0.3.7 sampfuncs works and no gta stop working but the problem again in the loading my game hangs/ stuck on the samp loading . then crash
  6. Forever18

    SAMPFUNCS problem

    YES latest . i tried to put in the sampfuncs again the lastest one and the game load but hang on the loading screen + after 10 sec gta stop working i have also moonloader too [already] removed it but still didnt work, Also already made a new pc acc nothing happens . gta stop working
  7. Forever18

    SAMPFUNCS problem

    i use latest sampfuncs and 4.1 cleo with gta crack version
  8. Forever18

    SAMPFUNCS problem

    So yesterday when i play samp my gta got a probel my gta.exe stop working everytime i join i a server. Before my sampfuncs/ SAMP doesnt stop working . idk whats the problem . i tried to remove the sampfuncs and it loads the game without any problem  but when i put again . gta stop working ...
  9. Forever18

    Untagged Release Sensitivity Fix V2 [For All Weapons][By NinjaFTW]

    can u make asi, sf or exe version of this ?
  10. Forever18


    keywait, lbutton, T or keywait, lbutton, L im newbie t script but try that shit xD
  11. Forever18


    pretty nice but i hope that u have sf version of this , asi or exe
  12. Forever18

    default speed

    so im always having a mistake on my ahk script maybe someone know what's the default speed of right click,left and c button when it press once and fast ? like 14ms ? or 64 ms ?
  13. Forever18

    CLEO Release Pedstats.dat

    i need another ped stat that has same skin rotation of id 115 all skin same ratation like id 115
  14. Forever18

    CLEO Release Weapons Detector [0.3.7]

    could u make one but not a cleo version? asi or exe ?
  15. Forever18

    Untagged Release Simple ACv2 Aimbot (SRC INCLUDED)

    can be skin shot?
  16. Forever18

    CLEO Help [HELP] .amc files

    amc is only for bloody 5 macro script .
  17. Forever18

    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7 / 0.3.DL [CLEO/EXE/ASI]

    RE: NameTagHack 0.3.7 [CLEO/EXE/ASI] can u change the activision of the exe to f12? or f11
  18. Forever18

    CLEO Release OP-HaX - legit MultiHack

    since i use the ophax at ugbase server then delete it when joining to other server he wont receive anydata like Date,Time,Serial-ID,PC-ID,Nickname,Server. ??? please anwser it
  19. Forever18

    CLEO Release OP-HaX - legit MultiHack

    What if im playing to the server i played * roleplay* and opcode is admin/manger.moderator in that server so he will kick me for knowing that i use his cheats [hr] . Take some time, and remove said data collection from the script. how can i remove it?> [hr] By using this Multihack you agree...
  20. Forever18

    CLEO Help Pause all clea except 3 or 4 cleos

    Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): pausecleo.cs * Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not):in my mind and other pause cleo * What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully) I need a...
  21. Forever18

    CLEO Release OP-HaX - legit MultiHack

    SAMP has been rape by this xD
  22. Forever18

    CLEO Help skills or aimbot ?

    No this is not pure skills i think he has smooth aim
  23. Forever18

    CLEO Help Skills or legit aimbot ?

    totally real skills
  24. Forever18

    Untagged Release Obstler cheat menu [Public Version]

    grab can u make this obsler anti team aim ? example im grove family then when i aim to my family members it wont lock only thos balas *enemies*
  25. Forever18

    Ahk scipters

    check pm bro
  26. Forever18

    Ahk scipters

    bump i really need some assist
  27. Forever18

    Ahk scipters

    So i just recently learned about making script for Ahk. but just basic of it,it takes an hour to learned the basic just watching on youtube. So maybe there are some ahk pro scripter willing to help/teach me how to code a script /script cheat for samp ? OOOOOOOOOOO please pm me if u are willing...
  28. Forever18

    Untagged Release [REQ] THE LEGIT AIMBOT

    @ bielzinbr pm buddy i know that aim its like when u are close to an enemy its like directly aim to the enemy but it wont follow/lock the enemy pretty legit ... pm me ill share it to you * not its not private its public but rare at some websites * ^added already on skype
  29. Forever18


    Where did u download that ?>>>>>>>> russian site?
  30. Forever18

    A Relax Sound for Coders

    nice mod
  31. Forever18

    What ways do YOU use to remove viruses from your PC

    throw the pc and buy new one easy as that
  32. Forever18

    CLEO Release Eazy Server Joiner V2 [Fixed Release]

    very usefull !
  33. Forever18

    [CLEO] Anti-Ban [Unban IP][Released]

    i got banned :(
  34. Forever18

    [CLEO] Anti-Ban [Unban IP][Released]

    VERY useful admins cant ban me >P>P
  35. Forever18

    CLEO Release Silent aim 9.0 by opcoder

    i know
  36. Forever18

    CLEO Release Eazy Server Joiner V2 [Fixed Release]

    RE: Easy Server Joiner [Fixed[With SAMPFUNCS] this good for jumping to a roleplay server to another roleplay :D
  37. Forever18

    Posible CLEO MENU

    ok thanks ill try it
  38. Forever18

    Posible CLEO MENU

    can u send me the link where u seen it ? I really need a mod that pause specific cleo of mine cus im using a tp hacks for my roleplay
  39. Forever18

    What features should i add to my virus?

    you send a audio max volume hentai moaning to the person got the virus
  40. Forever18

    Posible CLEO MENU

    Does this PAUSE cleo menu EXIST ? Its like there is a big MENU like obsler will pop up then inside there  all CLEO.cs u have inside ur Cleo folder are listed and there is a setting wether u pause that specific cleo folder or resume it again    CLEO               Toggle Run.cs             ...
  41. Forever18

    Untagged Release supremeInfo

    i hope u can fix it soon cus i really like supreme info
  42. Forever18

    Untagged Release supremeInfo

    another problem about alt tab when using supreme :(
  43. Forever18

    Untagged Release supremeInfo

    HOLY !!! shit now i can really use it!!!
  44. Forever18

    Untagged Release supremeInfo

    Thank you very much >O<
  45. Forever18

    Untagged Release supremeInfo

    all direction and the main already put also the update . i follow all direction but i check the GTA San Andreas/supremeInfo/images there is no image so i created one but no png monday can u send all the png from ur GTA San Andreas/supremeInfo/images ?
  46. Forever18

    Untagged Release supremeInfo

    it says  *There was an issue creating texture.Make sure the requested image is available.               Requested images:SupremeInfo/Image/sir.png and lot of png
  47. Forever18

    CLEO Release Eazy Server Joiner V2 [Fixed Release]

    RE: Easy Server Joiner [Fixed[With SAMPFUNCS] very Good cleo
  48. Forever18

    CLEO Help Help with Unlimited range marker

    faketriangle.sf ?
  49. Forever18

    Window 8 and 8.1 activation keys SECTION UPDATED

    RE: Window 8 and 8.1 activation keys u have any activision code for wtfast? or adobe phtoshop?
  50. Forever18

    CLEO Release [CLEO] Indicator on Player [Killer won't run now] w/o SAMPFUNCS

    thank u husnain its very usefull to me ^^ plz make iT
  51. Forever18

    CLEO Release [CLEO] Indicator on Player [Killer won't run now] w/o SAMPFUNCS

    nice! can u creat a version of this into a .sf,asi or exe?
  52. Forever18

    CLEO Help How do I do this?

    u mean blackscreen.cs ? it exist search it her on solved request
  53. Forever18

    Aimbot Lagshot 0.3.7

    google it
  54. Forever18

    CLEO Release Suicide.cs

    well done buddy me and ugbase members appriciated ur hard work even this cleo suicide is already existV..more cleo to come!
  55. Forever18

    CLEO Release Jetpack ( Bypass anti-cheat )

    great cheat but i dont use jp
  56. Forever18

    CLEO Help Help remove txt

    hello everyone well i need some help or tutorial how to remove the cleo txt of cleo version 4.3.21 i already know how to remove cleo txt on cleo 4.1 i learnm it here but i dont know how  to remove txt on cleo 4.3.21 cus the...
  57. Forever18

    Untagged Release SRauncher

    another legend app has been release!
  58. Forever18

    CLEO Release [CLEO] AutoScroll [0.3.7][Fixed Released] w/o SAMPFUNCS

    @Watti maybe for u its useless but for us its usefull
  59. Forever18

    new mouse

    im agree what @supahdupahnubah says
  60. Forever18

    new mouse

    what kind of mouse?
  61. Forever18

    Untagged Release Starter Pack

    nice! BUDDY!
  62. Forever18

    ASI version of this

    please convert!
  63. Forever18

    ASI version of this

    anyone >? please
  64. Forever18

    ASI version of this

    @Springfield i have already got the sensfix.asi but that mod is only for global aim,aim and sniper aim i want a asi that u can adjust the sensitivity for each gun
  65. Forever18

    ASI version of this

    please buddy i dont know how to convert or do a asi like that :<
  66. Forever18

    ASI version of this

    sorry im not a scripter,programmer so please expect that i need help/request also i have some release cleo :D ..please convert it :< [hr] @sup please convert it please . anyone ??
  67. Forever18

    ASI version of this

    hello everyone .. today i would like to request a asi version of this cleo named sensiAdjust.cs  ill explain what cleo is this *** ** this cleo make specific gun sensitivity   adjust example deagle = low sensitivity sawn =high sensitivity the problem is i want it to make a ASI version of...
  68. Forever18

    CLEO Help Aimbot speedlock/ Script Edit

    how about aimrey buddy ? search it or heroin aim search it at
  69. Forever18

    CLEO Help Aimbot speedlock/ Script Edit

    use skin aimbot updated by springfield it has fast lock thingy
  70. Forever18

    Green triangle aimbot

    when i use that when i aim even im not aiming to the player it directly locks to him i want that when im going to aim to him then the green triangle appears above thats the time the aimbot will lock to him for 2 secs
  71. Forever18

    Green triangle aimbot

    im requesting a aimbot that only locks enemy when the green triangle appeared to there head when i am on  them any activison thx cleo or asi
  72. Forever18

    CLEO Help slide help

    tactics and outplay the cheater promise u will win
  73. Forever18

    CLEO Help slide help

    it doesnt matter if u know liteoof or cbug the important is u are good at aiming with no cheat.
  74. Forever18

    CLEO Help slide help

    @MORFOLIN that cleo is good and also bad cus its not legi to other screen they will see u slide bug/hack not litefoot . atry using macro not macro cleo .
  75. Forever18

    Headshot protection

    i have that cleo by i forgot where i hide that fuck i t was very useful on cod servers
  76. Forever18

    CLEO Help Anti Skin Aim

    i search it but the hack has contain also many cheats i want only anti aim.cs but i cant compile it lel
  77. Forever18

    CLEO Help Anti Skin Aim

    is this legit to other player screen? its just like when i use aimbot to you the aimbot wont lock? [hr] auto activision? tsk i want to test it lel sxD [hr] Fack :o when i connect to the game and samp start ingame it hangs
  78. Forever18

    CLEO Help Anti Skin Aim

    anti aimbot?
  79. Forever18

    [Python 2.7] Keylogger

    im scared of keyloggers :(
  80. Forever18

    CLEO Help Unstreamed objects

  81. Forever18

    Razor macro's users help

    well i want only macro for samp xD not csgo
  82. Forever18

    Razor macro's users help

    :iknowwhatyoudidthere:  no no no
  83. Forever18

    Razor macro's users help

    when i make macro it doesnt do that i want to do.. i mean i make a macro cbug script keys then in game it doesnt work properly ..i need hlpe for this
  84. Forever18

    Razor macro's users help

    thx anyway
  85. Forever18

    Razor macro's users help

    like cbug macro ?
  86. Forever18

    Razor macro's users help

    hello everyone i recently bought razor mice and it has macro on it so maybe there are some  member that can help me make a macro for samp  im noob on making macro's but i make macro for bloody but its different from razor
  87. Forever18

    CLEO Release Silent aim 9.0 by opcoder

    AutoActivation=0 ActivationMode=2 <====== 2 means if u press specific key it will turn on 3= HOLD THE SPECIFic key GameKey=82 <====== the keyboard key uwant to press
  88. Forever18

    CLEO Help how to draw a circle in the midle of the screen

    get some markerand draw on your screen
  89. Forever18

    CLEO Help Moonloader does not work, help

    correct @hypnotic
  90. Forever18

    CLEO Help Moonloader does not work, help

    do you know what is moonloader is ?? .. well get a lua script so u can use moonloader example Aimbot.lua u should put it on the moonloader folder then go to the game, then press the key of the aimbot
  91. Forever18

    SA-MP Discord Channel

    goodluck !
  92. Forever18

    [SNIPPET] Perfect crosshair pos

    wait can u explain this perfect crosshair for ?
  93. Forever18

    [SNIPPET] Perfect crosshair pos

    please convert it !
  94. Forever18

    Perfect crosshair pos.

    do it also please !
  95. Forever18

    C1ph3r is AWAY !

    usefull or not ,u we still love u buddy <3