Search results

  1. _Safa

    How to call a function from a pointer

    You're right. There not, dumbass. Yet again you manage to make yourself look like a retard. Congratulations. Yeah, CLEO is definitely not a scripting language, and oh I forgot, being 'compiled' completely makes it not a scripting language either. Oh I guess Lua isn't a scripting language...
  2. _Safa

    How to call a function from a pointer

    Maybe you should learn how to form a question, or properly form a sentence actually. You ask for c++/c# examples and then say you know how to do it in c++? I'm going to help you anyway. In C#, assuming you're completely external, you will need to either create or hijack a thread and call the...
  3. _Safa

    How to call a function from a pointer

    You have a couple of options. Seeing as that you're asking very trivial questions, you should probably take a step back on learn some basics about Assembly and C++. Once you've done that, you can open the file in IDA or your favorite debugger and reverse how the function is called. Once you...
  4. _Safa

    How to call a function from a pointer

    The fuck are you talking about, that has to be the most retarded thing I've heard all year. Congratulations on that. CLEO and C++ are completely different languages... CLEO is a SCRIPTING language, C++ is a general purpose programming language. They aren't even nearly compiled the same, not to...
  5. _Safa

    Some questions

    GetPlayerWeaponId() -> 24 (Desert Eagle) (check if weapon id is 24 -> execute code else nothing. or in case you dont use the udf thingy, read the memory of GTA (cped pointer 0xB6F5F0 + (cur weap id offset) 0x740).
  6. _Safa

    CLEO Help Full kick server?

    yarak yarak kebap kebap big yarak
  7. _Safa

    CLEO Help Full kick server?

    kill yourself please do it for everyone
  8. _Safa

    CLEO Release New OP-HaX for 0.3.7

    are you retarded? then go download it lol?
  9. _Safa

    CLEO Help Hiding GUIs and stuff from video capture.

    I also had my ESP coded in CLEO done like a month ago and I was also at the point wondering if there is an way to actually stealth render with SAMPFUNCS. I doubt that there is an possibility but maybe some more experienced dudes here can tell something
  10. _Safa

    CLEO Help Who know to scripting realy good

    Then write pm
  11. _Safa

    CLEO Help Who know to scripting realy good

    tf just ask your question here
  12. _Safa

    CLEO Help Spec Checker

  13. _Safa

    cleo pinfo com IP

    who cares bro, only retards and people who fucking deserve it to be virus'd will download that useless random shit lmao.
  14. _Safa

    Get last player hit ID in samp

    and you will stay a starter if you dont even try anything on your own.
  15. _Safa

    Get last player hit ID in samp

    So you really maybe should start explaining what you want precisely, because I literally dont understand any shit you are trying to explain us. If you want to know WHO is shooting at you, you will need to hook the same way as I told you in the second post but for INCOMING packet. If you want...
  16. _Safa

    Get last player hit ID in samp

    tbh i dont get what you are trying to do. can u please explain?
  17. _Safa

    CLEO Help How do i make a key_pressed command in sanny builder?

    do you even have sampfuncs installed?
  18. _Safa

    Just a small change in this CLEO

    -> Streamed players position are always available because peds / actors are created obviously for them. -> Unstreamed players positions are only available if server has enabled ShowPlayerMarkers function with following param: mode 1 PLAYER_MARKERS_MODE_GLOBAL
  19. _Safa

    CLEO Help How do i make a key_pressed command in sanny builder?

    maybe tell what doesnt work? i cant tell shit for "it doesnt work".
  20. _Safa

    CLEO Help How do i make a key_pressed command in sanny builder?

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY while true if 0AB0: 0x4C then 0AF9: samp say_msg "xyz-message" end end
  21. _Safa

    CLEO Help 0.3.7 R4

  22. _Safa

    CLEO Help 0.3.7 R4

    no find it yourself
  23. _Safa

    CLEO Help 0.3.7 R4

    use fake-version
  24. _Safa

    CLEO Help 0.3.7 R4

    because sampfuncs doesnt work for r4
  25. _Safa

    Get last player hit ID in samp

    Hook for outcoming ID_BULLET_SYNC packets and read HitType for BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER ID 1.
  26. _Safa

    [REQUEST] ANTI-AFK 0.3DL samp

    that's what she said
  27. _Safa

    [REQUEST] ANTI-AFK 0.3DL samp

  28. _Safa

    CLEO Help How can i edit a SF Plugin with .sf extension

    stop doing stuff u have no minimal clue of
  29. _Safa

    Need FULL Legit Pack for RP server - Paying

    You can contact me and tell me what exactly you may need.
  30. _Safa

    CLEO Help Help with crypted CLEO script

    I dont know what the CLEO is, but it sends modified incar_data / packet, so maybe the server detects it (as I said, I dont know what kind of CLEO this is). You actually can't be banned for using the registered cmds.
  31. _Safa

    CLEO Help Who is shooting at my car

    There are a couple methods you can use, seeing as that you're strictly using CLEO though. 1) Hook for incoming ID_BULLET_SYNC packets and read HitType for "BULLET_HIT_TYPE_VEHICLE " (2) 2) Hook for incoming ID_BULLET_SYNC, check if ray from shooting pos to end pos intersects your vehicle's...
  32. _Safa

    Admin checker but silent admins?

    dude you can't. All that info is serversided, and you won't be able to retrieve if someone has undercover admin rights or not (unless you found an bug).
  33. _Safa

    Admin checker but silent admins?

    It's possible to ban offline (control panels etc. that just sends an command to the server to ban you). But it doesn't make sense to just ban someone without even seeing what they have done doesn't it?
  34. _Safa

    Admin checker but silent admins?

    you can't unfortunately
  35. _Safa

    CLEO Help SAMPFUNCS or asi files are not loaded

    Use 1.0 US Patch
  36. _Safa

    Looking for cleo that can change the world

    u cant, virtual world is serversided.
  37. _Safa

    CLEO Help Help with draw text in screen

    Bounding sphere visible can't work with unstreamed because there is no PED / Actor if player is unstreamed (I think atleast).
  38. _Safa

    Help me guys i dont know how to make cleo script!

    get the fuck out of here, you cant.
  39. _Safa

    CLEO Help Repair&Flip.cs how to customize the amount?

    setting car rotations has nothing to do with the health of the car. you need to change 0A30: repair_car 1@ to 0224 opcode.
  40. _Safa

    CLEO Help Repair&Flip.cs how to customize the amount?

    0224: set_car_health 1@ to 999
  41. _Safa

    s0biet NOPS

    actually just needa need some basic samp knowledge about functions that are being used in the gamemodes. (should not be all of them). and if you dont want your position to be set by server -> dont proceed the SetPlayerPos RPC, its pretty...
  42. _Safa


    just learned from a bro that there is actually something like that. bodyparts / hitboxes seem to have their own sizes in the SA engine.
  43. _Safa

    CLEO Help Kick.cs 0.3DL

    u wan kick al pleyers vfrom serva my frient?
  44. _Safa

    [C++] SAMP IDB - over 300 functions

    bro people who have no minimal clue about this stuff and especially idb's / ida itself wont even download this lol.
  45. _Safa

    [C++] SAMP IDB - over 300 functions

    nigga are you serious lmao
  46. _Safa


    I didn't say that he doesn't know shit, but he is a paster lol: *releases* meanwhile line 270...
  47. _Safa


    ffs why are you guys always so low-brained? Opcode.eXe != 0pc0der (paster) lol
  48. _Safa


    ugbase members 2019
  49. _Safa

    [CLOSED] Accepting request

    you also want anti brain-dead?
  50. _Safa

    CLEO Help Player Attached Object

    Im not sure but I think you don't have an extra RPC that is being sent for de-attach object. So you would have to hook RPC SetPlayerAttachedObject - ID: 113. That RPC is being used to attach but also delete attached objects. So maybe hook it, check if it's incoming -> allow first time RPC...
  51. _Safa

    CLEO Help Easy code? help me here pls zz

    why are you pasting code together u don't even understand?
  52. _Safa

    General Talk

    i can fill you if you understand what i mean
  53. _Safa

    General Talk

    Kalcor SA-MP Developer 0.3.7 server owners report in if you see this. Are you happy with a 0.3.7 update (0.3.9) which just updates packet IDs and memory addresses? SAMPFUNCS SDK devs:
  54. _Safa

    Script for simplification

    just use autohotkey its basic and its code is pretty short.
  55. _Safa


    Thats not the test-cheat aka singleplayer-cheat opcode. The activation on that CLEO is based on pressing S, U & N key at the same time, so it wont work that way. Test this cleo, it should work if you write "kungdun" like singleplayer-cheat.
  56. _Safa


    01B6: force_weather_now [Weather ID]
  57. _Safa


    if there are anims hook incoming rpc ID for ApplyAnim and return false. This results in no animations will be played on your char.
  58. _Safa


    Nah it doesn't. Atleast I never ever heard of something similar to that in SAMP. I doubt.
  59. _Safa


    nigga what
  60. _Safa


    Its actually not tbh. ApplyAnimation func is as it says just for animations. Anti-Freeze would be usually hooking TogPlaCon RPC and not proceeding it. But maybe hooks both are even needed if the server freezes + plays anim.
  61. _Safa


    try hook incoming rpcs -> if rpc id == 173 -> return false you wont get an animation from the server then, which results in free-moving around.
  62. _Safa


  63. _Safa


    it's not possible because it's an serversided timer.
  64. _Safa

    Change CLEO KEY to F12

    Open it with Sanny Builder, search for 0AB0 and replace its number with 0x7B.
  65. _Safa

    CLEO Help Help - Bulletproof tires

    Just use 053F lmao
  66. _Safa

    CLEO Help cleaning the PC for a TV

    says the one who is giving random ppl access to his pc? xD
  67. _Safa

    CLEO Help cleaning the PC for a TV

    imagine being such a slave and letting some random sa:mp faggot people into your pc. maybe you should clean your brain instead of your folder
  68. _Safa

    CLEO Help op hax

    *insert here the most badass insults against people like this*
  69. _Safa

    CLEO Help op hax

    prediction = your ping or just use the newer ophax for auto-prediction
  70. _Safa

    Bust aimboters

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: 0x02 THEN 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "OMG this nigga aimbotting!!!!!!!" color 0xFF00FF END END here you go my brother nah just joking, you cant.
  71. _Safa


    hello my black friends